First, determine the state of the planet 50 years from now. This will largely dictate my next set of questions.
Is the earth on fire? Is there rampant suffering? What was the biggest catastrophe to mankind in that time?
Did humanity actually do something to help the earth? Once I learn this, I can invest in that thing to simultaneously push that technology forward and benefit from it myself.
Is any single person held responsible for bad things that have happened? Unlikely, but if so, I would work on assassinating that person.
Maybe you’re focusing on the wrong things? Christmas, for me, is a time to show my family that I care for them. Yes, through gifts, but also through time spent with them. It’s a chance to speak others’ love language. For me, doing things for others is how I really feel better about myself.
Depends on what you’re talking about. If you consider all the injuries we’ve ever picked up in life, we’d all be dead. If you’re just talking about the injuries I have now not healing, then I’m fit as a fiddle.
Me too. Middle earth is my haven. LOTR is both my favorite book and favorite movie. I have even enjoyed other Tolkien content including the Silmarillion, the Hobbit movies, and the Rings of Power. I know they’re not LOTR standard but they are still enjoyable and don’t detract from what I love about Tolkien’s universe.
We watched the Murder on the Orient Express series, including the nee Haunting in Venice movie. I really liked them. They’re fun and keep me guessing until the end.
They just went back on limited tour for 20th anniversary of Ocean Avenue and I got to finally see them in concert. It was amazing. They also said that they were thinking about coming out with some new stuff.