This is just an old-school rocker / bouncer, no? It looks like it’s meant to “float” the child like a one-sided sea-saw?
I guess if you pulled it all the way down and released, it could slightly yeet the child, but there are absolutely better contraptions if going for distance
Apple understands that trying to cut every corner to reduce cost is a recipe for garbage. More than that, they’re not afraid to spend what’s necessary to achieve better than “good”. I think they’re evil in other ways for sure, but I respect this about them. It shows in everything* they produce.
If it weren’t for the popcorn and those cool Coke vending machines with seemingly infinite flavours, there would be zero draw at all for me. And even then, I haven’t been in years. Both of things cost about the same as a ticket, and I feel like an idiot paying 3000% markup for it in public.