@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar



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@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Jfc, Bringer of Vengeance by Kataklysm

Brutal as fuck. I’ve played the song about once a day, every day since I heard it last year.

However! Vitriol has Shame and its Afterbirth that is quickly becoming just as brutally annoying to my household lol.

southsamurai, (edited )
@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Everything heilung does is hypnotic :)

How wealthy are those elderly people who hire someone to be with them at all times, instead of moving into a nursing home?

I guess I don’t care how wealthy they are, my question is how much would it cost to hire someone to be your caretaker 24/7 and go with you everywhere you want to go like the grocery store etc

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Stop? That’s a bit of an overstatement if I claimed that lol.

But strongly limit is easy enough. You just reward the bird any time they go where you want them to, while starting out with that “place” being huge, and eventually shrinking it. That is made faster if you can identify when the bird is going to poop, and help them get there.

We used disposable pads at first, then switched to washable pads that are the same size and color (no idea if chickens can see in color, I just realized I never looked that up). We got her in October, and it was December before she would try to get to a pad reliably.

Luckily, unless she’s voiding only the wet stuff (calling it urine doesn’t feel right, nor pee, but it’s the equivalent), it isn’t bad. When she does miss the pad, it’s because she doesn’t really know that the poop is supposed to be on it, not just her feet lol. It’s mostly very dry and firm, so there’s not enough mess to be a problem as long as we monkeys pay attention. She’ll do a light dance, lift her tail, and a little blob of stuff pops out, dry enough that even on a white pad surface, you can’t see anything when you remove it.

She gets insistent when she’s on my shoulder and needs to go, so I just keep a pad handy and move her onto it.

Since it’s that dry, it’s very easy to just grab the poo with some tissue and toss it in a bag and then dump the bag into the compost heap at the end of the day, when she’s inside all day

I’m not saying there’s never accidents, but she tries to do what we want in that regard. But our floors are all easy to clean, so it isn’t onerous when an accident happens.

Currently, she’s probably at 95% making it onto a pad with the poop, and 99+ with trying. Pretty damn unusual for a chicken, or so I’ve been told.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Her name is cricket. She’s what’s called a “midnight majesty” marans. I don’t have a picture with me currently, and I know I’ll forget by the time I get home. But she’s this gorgeous black that gets a green iridescence in the sunlight.

She’s called cricket because when we got her, we had to drive all day and it was night time on the way home, and she was making cute little cricket noises the whole way. She’s old enough now that it doesn’t sound the same, but it was the trills that sleepy, contented chickens make. She was small enough to just sit nestled in my kid’s hand at the time.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Nah, I’ll sit there eating chicken, and give her a bit. Seriously, if you look up lists of food that’s okay/good for them, chicken and eggs are on almost every list. She very much enjoys both.

Now, would I eat her? Nah, and not only because of the breed not being very good as meat, nor that I hope she lives to be very old, which makes for not good meat. She’s part of the family, and you don’t eat family unless it’s life-or-death. Like, I have no objection to eating dog, but I wouldn’t eat my dog.

Hell, I don’t even object to the idea of eating one’s own pets in general, I can see the way it could be a respectful and good thing. I just can’t do it lol.

I will say that I’m pickier about sourcing my chicken for food now though. I’ve always preferred non industrial meat sources when possible, but now that “when possible” has turned into “well, I guess I’ll just skip it this time”.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

This, only chicken.

We have a pet chicken, and whoever has her on their lap is exempt from being asked favors that require moving

We may need at least one more chicken, since they do better with others. If any new ones are as cuddly and sweet as our current bird, we are fucked. No one will ever get anything done.

And yes, I know, “pet chicken”. Kind of bonkers. If you’d asked me in October if I would be walking around my house with a chicken on my shoulder, I would have laughed at you. What’s really hilarious is that we got her because of our other chicken. But the other chicken was actually a rooster, not a hen, and is anti social with other chickens, it turns out.

But I’ll tell you this much. If you can see a little pullet bouncing across the floor, trilling and flapping its wings to hop on your lap for cuddles, and don’t melt just a little, you’re not human lol.

This little fucking bird (that’s not so little now) gets up on my chest, nestles into my beard, and just trills when she’s ready to sleep. How the fuck am I going to wake her up just because someone in the house is bleeding to death? Nope, the bird will wake up eventually, and mops are there to clean up blood. They can just put pressure on the wound and wait.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Is the cash tax free? If so, jump on that shit.

If it isn’t, maybe take the money, but probably just walk away

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

From what I’ve been told, out of the three active subs I modded that got yanked and restaffed with whoever, only one isn’t a bot ridden mess.

And that one is kinda shit (again, that’s second hand) now.

Not that I was some paragon of modding, it’s just that you can’t have random assholes put in place after actual users are pissed off and expect things to work out well.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

You gotta be just having bad timing, they’re plenty present. They’re not a majority, but they’re fairly vocal.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Oh man! Water exercise is so sweet when you’ve got a bad back and/or joints. Being able to get a decent workout without being laid up for two days is a beautiful thing for me :)

But, I feel you. I’ve got that same inner critic sniping away. As I’ve gotten older, it’s less about physical things and a lot more about mistakes made, things that were hurtful that I didn’t have the ability to see as hurtful when I said or did them.

But along that, I did figure out that the old truism about having to give yourself something first, before you can really give it to or get it from others holds up. If I’m not kind to myself, if I can’t forgive myself, and love myself (at least a little), it’s nigh impossible to genuinely give those things to someone else.

I don’t know if that actually applies to everyone or not; maybe other people can give truly of themselves without accepting good things from themselves first, but it seems to be the case.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Depends on how it went. But I’m well armed, and my location honors the castle doctrine, and my town is right pissy about trespassing.

Back when I first got published, I was dumb enough to do so under my real name.

This has led to a few locals seeing my books are the local library, recognizing the name and finding me. They’ve all been quite polite, so no big deal.

But the truth is that anyone that showed up causing problems isn’t going to have a good time. My neighbors are mostly crazier than I am, and we’ve all had to show up for each other here and there when someone was acting a fool. So, chances are, whatever idiot it was would get run off long before I had to shoot them.

And, since I know most of the damn town to some degree, including the chief of police and the county sheriff, it isn’t like an outsider would even be in town long, unless they enjoy the hospitality of a jail. While the police are a problem overall, the local departments have guys in charge that are trying to fix that to some degree. But not to the degree that some assholes from the internet won’t end up being seen doing something they can get charged for.

Jesus, being real, I’m certain my one neighbor would likely kill someone if he saw them taking pictures around here without being warned in advance. He’s touchy. He might not start out planning it, but he’d be up in their face, and if they didn’t just leave, he would try to make them leave. If they fought back? He’s a bit touchy, but a whole lot trained.

But yeah, celebrities don’t have that kind of connection to their area like private citizens do, and not every private citizen does either. When I lived in the city, I tried being nice to my neighbors and got outright told to fuck off.

The DCEU ends not with a bang, but a wimper. (lemmy.ml)

10 years after Zod’s snapped neck, Martha, “some kinda Suicide Squad”, CGI moustache, rennouncing your wish, the hiearchy of power changing, and Speed Force PS1 graphics, the DC Extended Universe finally comes to a close. And it ends the same way it started - with a Rotten score....

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Hopes? None. Warner Bros. has no fucking clue how to use DC characters and ideas in theaters. They may get lucky with specific movies being decent, but the best movies are not even as good as the worst of the animated movies and series. They keep throwing money and names at live action, instead of focusing on telling good stories that stay true to the essence of the characters.

I don’t see Gunn doing any better tbh. For one, he’s going to be hamstrung by whatever Warner decides is the goal. For another, he’s going to end up limited by whatever flawed view executives have of the servers characters. And then he still may not have a grasp of what either comics fans or non comic fans need from a movie featuring DC characters.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Self hosting isn’t a solution to replace off site storage.

southsamurai, (edited )
@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Tbh, not much.

That being said, spaghetti sauce. Yeah, home made is better, but “doctoring” a jarred sauce gets 95% as good without hours of work. You can’t fix the canned shit, but I’ve not found a jarred sauce that I can’t tweak with fresh herbs and some quickly sweated aromatics and end up with something that people love. It also satisfies my picky ass. Now, I will say that fucking ragu is pretty shit overall, and doctoring it only goes so far. But it is still good enough that making sauce from scratch ain’t happening.


There seems to be a lot of range in spaghetti sauce recipes. It’s also important to note that I’m not talking about marinara.

So, the real time involved is split between prep and simmering.

Here’s how we do it. Remember this is an american talking here, so don’t redirect expect something traditionally Italian. And I’m a southerner that’s mostly german and Scots-Irish, so don’t expect any new York style stuff lol.

You take your tomatoes, skin them however you prefer. I use a quick dip in boiling water, aka blanching.

You give those peeled tomatoes a rough chop into nice size chunks. Now, the kind of tomato matters for that because something like a roma e isn’t gong to need as many chops as a beefsteak. You’d usually be using something like a roma anyway, but if your neighbor drops off a giant bucket of tomatoes, you can only use what you got, you know?

You chop up an onion, maybe two. You mince some garlic, maybe half a bulb if you really like garlic. I love garlic, so I go heavy.

Now, that’s your usual start. Most people in my family don’t add anything else in the way of veggies. Me? I like to char a couple of red or yellow bell peppers, skin them, and get them in there too. If I’m feeling frisky, I might have zucchini, eggplant, or whatever else cut up and ready to add at the appropriate time too, but that’s optional.

You get the onions sweating. While they’re starting, you feet your herbs together. Idgaf about fresh vs dried, each has benefits for flavor, you do what you prefer. I do oregano, basil, marjoram, a little thyme, and that’s it. I’m simple.

A little black pepper, a little salt (you really don’t need much, maybe a teaspoon for a big batch; salt your damn pasta water instead) to taste.

Once the onions are almost ready, I add the peppers since the quick char and steam to peel them tends to get them halfway cooked anyway.

This is around a half hour of work for most people. For me, it’s closer to an hour. Yay disability!

Then you add your tomatoes, herbs, and any optional veggies. Bring to boil, reduce to simmer.

After that, it’s patience. You’re making sure any veggies added are tender, and after that it’s cooking things down and letting the flavors develop. And, I promise you, anything under a half hour of simmering isn’t going to taste right, and will be super runny. You’ll usually have what amounts to chunky tomato water until close to the hour mark. For a big pot (my biggest is 6 quarts, and it starts damn near full when I do it) an hour and a half is bare minimum for the right thickness.

Now, if you’re going to jar that up, you’re done except for that part, which isn’t involved in what I originally said.

If you’re going to add meat, you’ll want to start browning it off about a half hour ahead of when the thickness will be right. You add the cooked meat in and let it simmer for 15 minutes at minimum. Do yourself a favor and deglaze the pan used with a nice, semisweet red wine, add that to the pot and go at least a half hour after adding it.

Now, exactly how long it needs to simmer is variable because you’re dealing with tomatoes, and the water content varies between varieties, time of year, weather conditions, etc. But I’ve never had a full sized batch take less than an hour and a half counting from the initial bring-to-boil stage.

I dunno, maybe there’s time savers I’ve never thought of. Maybe the folks saying it’s a half hour are doing a different version of “from scratch”, or whatever. But that’s how we do it, and it’s pretty much what the typical recipes I’ve seen online do (I went and checked because I wondered if I was crazy lol), plus or minus some details that don’t really change simmer time.

I’ve had some batches need a full two hours of simmering. And, yeah, you don’t have to stand over the pot the whole time, but chances are you’ll still be in the kitchen cleaning, keeping an eye on things stirring occasionally, adding any herbs or spices to adjust taste as it goes, etc. So it isn’t like you can just pop down to the local pub (or equivalent in your location) and go by time alone. You’ll still be in the general vicinity, with the added heat and humidity from cooking.

But that’s why I rarely go from scratch. I can pick up a jar of whatever, add some herbs, extra garlic and/or onions, brown any meat and then the deglaze and be done in under an hour from start to finish, including prep. The taste isn’t the same, nor is the texture, but it’s still yummy.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Pfft, they’re lucky the French don’t bomb their end of the chunnel.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Man, I hate to break it to you, but we all have the power to turn humans into food.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Aight, I enjoy the joke too.

However! I encourage people to remember that grandpa joe is not a faker in the world he’s from!

Since the movie is what most peeps remember, and where the memes usually come from, the first thing to remember is that it’s a musical.

Musicals, by the established rules of the overall genre, do not reflect reality at all times. Even mostly dramatic musicals like Man of LaMancha break some reality in order to function as musicals. Take the scene with the ruffians and “Dulcinea” as an example.

Second, the movie. Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory is essentially a fantasy piece. You’ve got the Oompa Loompas as prime evidence of that. Orange skinned humanoids that do not exist in the real world (jokes aside). Many things in the chocolate factory break the laws of physics or otherwise bend reality. There’s geese laying golden eggs, ffs.

Third, the theme of the movie isn’t actually torturing children. The theme of the movie is the redemptive and uplifting power of dreams. That’s achieved by the journey of Charlie getting his golden ticket and everything in his life getting better.

Grandpa Joe hasn’t been laying there in bed faking it (though, in movie, there’s never anything about the grandparents being unable to move or walk at all, they’re just frail and weak).

He is in his eighties or nineties.

What gets him up and dancing isn’t that he was faking and forgot to, it’s joy.

GJ is transformed by joy, by happiness. His grandson has, through luck or destiny, gotten the golden ticket to a brighter, better life! This doesn’t trick Joe into forgetting his infirmity. It gives him the joy to overcome it.

Joe’s transformation, rejuvenation, is because he is so filled with joy that his grandson will have a new life, that it changes him into the grandfather he wished he could be. Don’t forget that he had sacrificed his one real pleasure to give Charlie a chance at that.

But, look, I know that the grandpajoehate is ostensibly a meme. It’s a joke poking fun at the very musical rules that allow a bed-bound person to magically be cured in the first place. But it never acknowledges the fact that his spontaneous rejuvenation is magic, and that the magic is the magic of love.

In a cynical world, we believe that love is not transformative because the real world grinds us down. But love can be transformative for us too. We just have to be willing to let it work.

What's a proper response to another dog attempting to mount your dog multiple times and the owner really not doing anything about it?

The owner kind of makes a weak attempt to seem like they’re trying, but if I weren’t there, they wouldn’t intervene at all. I’m asking because I want to make sure that I don’t over react next time.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

That’s an easy fix. You see someone wearing them, you smash them. If it happens enough, people won’t want them.

southsamurai, (edited )
@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Man, I’m just happy to see a skyclad reference in the wild, away from a metal dedicated community :)

Edit: also, this needs a playlist so that anyone not familiar with all the albums listed can enjoy the discovery :)

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

And here’s the realistic explanation for why and why now:

"…Orin Kerr, a law professor at the University of California, Berkeley, wrote on X on Wednesday that “from a public policy standpoint, that seems like a bummer.”

“Geofencing has solved a bunch of really major cases that were otherwise totally cold,” he wrote.

“And there are lots of ways of doing the legal process (including Google’s warrant policy, although that’s just one way) that are a lot more privacy protective than ordinary warrants. But I can see why this might be in Google’s business interest. If there isn’t a lot of economic value to Google in keeping the data, and having it means you need to get embroiled in privacy debates over what you do with it, better for Google to drop it.”

It’s a good thing! It never should have been allowed in the first place. But, Google didn’t give a fuck until it caused them enough hassle. Doing this is just a way to avoid something more expensive later, it isn’t a strong principled stand. And I’d bet small amounts that they’ll still have a way to use the data anyway. It won’t be some magic wand that means Google can’t make money off of it.

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