@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar



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@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

It is sociality absolutely equivalent to software.

You don’t have to continue adding to a book, just like a company wouldn’t have to continue development of the software involved. You let the owner of the hardware write their own fanfiction to keep the hardware alive.

And, yeah, actually, giving away free copies is absolutely denying a future sale of that publication.

However, that’s not even the point. You said nobody downvoting would do that, give away the software that was no longer being maintained. I absolutely would do so. You can debate equivalency all you want, but that has nothing to do with my statement that I absolutely would at least open source any deprecated software like the post is discussing. As you may have noticed, other people have stated that they would act based on their principles as well. If you don’t want to believe any of us, that’s on you, but calling that many people liars tends to be dumber than dammit if you don’t have a good reason to do so.

Again, me, the unnamed person behind the screen, would 100% either open source the software in question, or otherwise make it available to previous customers. That’s my principle, I fully support the right to repair.

See, the idea that planned obsolescence via lack of service and support is a good thing isn’t accepted by everyone. That theoretical future sale is only possible, and unless I held a monopoly on whatever thing I’m selling, there’s a significant chance of losing sales to competitors that give better customer service. I’d much rather have repeat customers that know they can invest in my product without worry.

I’d also much rather know that my product was doing good work, advancing research and human knowledge, than sell another and waste the previous one.

Maybe you don’t think that way. Maybe you want to maximize profits over any other concern. That’s your karma, your decision, not mine.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Yeah, teleportation solves way more real life problems than invisibility does.

Invisibility in the real world, for a civilian, is really only good for pranks and crime. Which isn’t exactly a bad thing, but teleportation can do all of that and more.

What are your experiences with polyamory, first or second hand?

I personally am in a phenomenally stable polyamorous relationship. I’ve been married to my wife for 12 years, and she has had the same boyfriend for about half of that time. It’s a really fulfilling arrangement for all of us in various ways. We’re all genuinely happy and satisfied. I’m kind of casually looking for a...

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

No real first hand experience. I kinda interacted with people that were /are poly, but wasn’t part of their group.

But the thing I noticed about poly groups regarding the kind of stability that would be a success in any objective view, is that there’s usually a core few that comprise the true group, with anyone else being kinda replaceable. It’s usually either a “throuple”, or two pairs, and those core relationships are what really matters when there’s any trouble.

Imo, that makes sense. In a real world sense, nobody loves everyone equally. It might get close, but we as a species just aren’t that controlled in our emotions. They’re shifting and tied to so many different memories that it’s barley possible to have comparable levels of love, much less exactly the same.

And, there’s the issue of numbers and work. If a couple has X amount of work to maintain, a third person doesn’t turn that into X+1, it turns it into X^3, because you have A×B, the first two, then you have A×C, B×C, and, A×B×C. The dynamics of each pair of individuals is the same, but you add the dynamics of the group to that. Add a 4th person, and you get X^4, and so on. So, the larger the group gets, the harder it is to actually maintain every relationship at all, much less equally.

But! I know two poly groups that have been stable for a long time. One since the mid nineties, the other since 2003 (officially, but they got together informally a few years before that). The older group stabilized out at five people back around 98, when a couple that had joined in decided it wasn’t working for them.

The other group is essentially a foursome, though they tend to rotate through twosomes over time. Like, one couple spends a few months more focused on each other, then the other two people either do the same or float a little as individuals without as much group interaction. But they’re all bisexual as well as poly, so there’s that helping out a little; everyone is into everyone romantically and sexually, so there’s less chance of someone feeling left out.

Both groups have kids, btw. Which can get a little tough on the kids in school, but damned if it isn’t a plus at home. Like, those kids never lack for someone to help them, give them affection or discipline, or anything. The oldest boy from the longer lasting group is out on his own now, and doing well for himself.

The only other poly group I know well enough to have picked up details about their arrangements went back a lot further, back into the sixties when they met. Which is a success, if you ask me, but there’s only the one lady left now, and that’s fucking brutal to lose three partners that you love like that. I don’t know if it’s any worse than losing a monogamous partner or not, but holy hell has she been through some pain over the last two decades.

I call them a success though. They went through fourty-plus years together, raised kids, lived life, and stuck together. I didn’t meet any of them until one of the guys had a stroke, back before I got hit with the disability stick and had to quit working. I was a CNA, and when he had the next stroke, they asked if I could come back, so I got to know them a good bit. But they’d lost one of their group between times to cancer.

For myself, I don’t think I could handle that part. I know that if my wife dies before me, it’s going to break me. I can’t imagine going through that two or three (or more) times.

Which is probably not the most pleasant way to end this comment, being a bit less happy than maybe you were wanting. But I figure if one group of people can live poly together long enough for that, then polyamory is nothing to dismiss, and it’s certainly proof that it can be satisfying and good.

Masimatutu, to memes
@Masimatutu@universeodon.com avatar


h/t to @StefanThinks

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar


@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar


Now, whether or not they meet a specific criteria for a specific standard used in a scientific field is not in debate. Obviously, the standard for what defines a planet in a given field of study is applicable in that field.

However, for the rest of us, we don’t have to use that standard. See, using a language for something lile science is filled with this kind of thing when you use a living language that’s why Latin is so often the default for situations where you need fixed definitions. Otherwise, you deal with this issue constantly.

Though, tbh, even that’s no certain protection because people will borrow words, or misuse them just because we’re essentially a bunch of parrots playing with sounds sometimes. Lol at what happened with words like idiot or moron. They used to have a fixed, certain meaning with a standard used to apply them. Now they’re just insults.

The “planets” have existed in the public awareness with a much looser definition than what is used in scientific fields. Pretty much anything can be a planet in colloquial usage, so long as it orbits the sun. Now, I believe most people would insist on a lower size threshold where something is no longer a planet, but some other term. The problem is that there’s not a consensus on that lower limit.

With ceres and eris in specific, most people that are aware they exist are gong to be into “space” in some way, maybe even professionally. That makes the usage of planet for them less common than for Pluto, but the more casual the interest in such things, the more likely they are to get lumped in as “the 10th planet” or 10th and 11th, depending on who is saying things.

But, for casual conversation, I’d say that all three are planets. I’d have to look up the standards again because I’m fucking old, but I would also be just fine with someone calling them dwarf planets, or planetoids, or whatever.

Seriously. Until someone is just outright ignoring common usage and making up definitions nobody else uses, this kind of thing is just part of the fun of being monkeys that make complex sounds. None of us are obligated to use jargon definitions in casual settings, and trying to force that is not only pointless, it’s sometimes rude.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Pluto is a planet

What are your criteria for upvoting/downvoting?

I hate that I always compare Lemmy to Reddit, but Reddit used to have (not sure if they still do) guidelines called “Reddiquette” that included guidelines about upvoting and downvoting. I don’t remember the specifics (and sending too much of my browser traffic to Reddit makes me feel dirty) but one of the guidelines was...

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Generally, it’s based on appropriateness to the C/, effort, and usefulness.

There are exceptions, though there aren’t any on C/s that I actually use. But there might be eventually, there were on reddit.

If something doesn’t fit the C/, that’s a down vote if I notice it.

If something is horribly low effort, even if it’s in the right place, that’ll be a down vote.

Upvotes, it tends to be because something was appropriate to the C/, and/or someone put some work in. But, even a low effort post/comment can get an up vote if it’s personally useful.

I used to up vote anything and everything that was on topic, but lemmy has gotten busy enough that I tend to only vote at all if I interact with the post in some way. So, like a title that indicates the post isn’t something that will interest me, I just scroll past because there’s just so much stuff now. But, I scroll All, and sort by new by default, so I end up scrolling past stuff that isn’t in my subscription list. If I only scrolled through subscribed stuff, I’d probably end up voting the same amount, but voting on everything I saw, if that makes sense.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

If some lady brought out a conversation that fucking awesome, I wouldn’t want a second date either. I’d fucking propose. Well, would have. There’s very little sexier than enthusiasm and a love of knowledge.

And no, not literally propose, and it would hopefully turn into a second date, but that’s no fucking fun to open up with in a comment, ffs, you fucking pedant.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

It definitely isn’t the only criteria.

But here’s what that kind of enthusiasm means in general; passion. Anybody that can love a section of knowledge so much that they can gush about it is a person that can have true passion for knowledge overall.

That’s a sign of an active, usually quick, mind. And that is something that anyone with sense wants in a partner.

I don’t deny that people put women into a little box that says “not of equal mind”, if only by subconscious absorption of that behavior. It happens all the damn time, even by other women.

So, it’s obvious that plenty of men are going to be idiots that default to quiet or otherwise not enthusiastic women. And I’ve seen plenty of lesbians do the same.

But, a year or two down the line, they stop talking to each other, and things turn into this empty, dull rut. They turn into a caricature of a relationship where nobody is truly happy.

That idea is horrible to me. And, I don’t think I’m that big of an outlier. Not the majority for sure, but it isn’t like the idea of wanting to partner with someone that can find joy in learning about something and sharing that knowledge is that unusual. I’ve known too many men that picked a partner with that kind of personality and mind.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Just taking the piss, no worries :)

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Well, as much as I hate to say it, most people are so busy looking for their turn to talk that it wouldn’t matter how interesting what you’re saying is.

Which, I get. I’m not immune to eventually losing attention to unfamiliar material. But that’s why you listen; you pay attention and ask about what they just said if you aren’t familiar with it. If nothing else, let your brain perk away while you listen and wait for it to ring the bell of association! Until you get into some really arcane subjects, there’s almost always going to be a point where something relates to something you already know, so it’s just a matter of being patient.

But, sadly, I think you’re right. Women simply get ignored, even by other women. Doesn’t matter how much they know, how high their degree of expertise is. People tend to rank anything coming out of a woman’s mouth as less important. It certainly isn’t the entirety, but I would agree it contributes, as you said.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Alas, I fear that even when not drunk, the second status still applies.

Does Marijuana Make Anybody Pass Out Like Me?

I’ve never been a big user, but as I’ve grown older, pot has made me pass out more than once. I took a drag off of a joint at a festival a few years ago and passed out and couldn’t be revived for 5-10 minutes. They said my blood pressure dropped dramatically. I’m wondering if this happens to anybody else

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Well, I can’t use the stuff personally. Kicks me into anxiety spirals.

But, I know a shit ton of mj enthusiasts because I’ve always been friendly about it anyway.

The degree of reaction you’re describing isn’t common. But it does happen. Herb being a natural product, there’s variance in exactly what balance of canabinoids are there, and there’s always the non-zero risk of additives if you didn’t grow it yourself.

Plenty of people will smoke a J specifically because it makes them sleep easy, but directly passing out is rarer to find. From what I’ve run across, that’s usually a sign that there was something else in it. In the instances I’ve run across it happening otherwise, the person had something else in their system that did it in combination. MJ is typically going to spike heart rate and blood pressure, not drop it, so a sudden and severe drop would be a very unusual event.

So, I suspect that the festival joint was not just weed. People have been known to mix their stuff and not warn others. If that wasn’t the case, then I’d suspect an interaction with a medication you’re taking, but (being honest) I’ve never heard of anything that drops BP in combination with thc, or cbd in specific, nor even with whole flower.

It’s kinda the main risk involved with the substance, and it’s typically a stronger affect when smoked because of the smoke itself. It increases heart activity in a way that isn’t beneficial, and may (not enough data out there for any conclusions to have been published that I’ve seen) have long term negative outcomes.

I would say that if you’re having that showing strong a reaction, it may be time to test out reducing your dosage when you do partake

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Yeah, I’ll echo the soulseek suggestion. It’s trivial to find anything but the most obscure stuff, and even that’s possible. I have something like 4tb of total shared files, of which about 2tb is music, almost all in flac format, with acceptable tagging standards. And I’m a lightweight on soulseek.

Throw in musicbrainz to flesh out the tags, and you’re good to go.

Just be sure to share some of your stuff back, and you’re set. There are people that won’t let you download from them unless you’re sharing, so it matters.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Sorry, but the utter inanity of “faith of the heart” as a lyric kills any possible enjoyment of the song for me. The bland but overwrought vocals don’t help, but if the lyrics were good enough, I could look past that.

I’ve said it before, I didn’t mind a lyrical theme song, I minded that song. It was just so damn empty and cookie cutter. Like, the frakking Dr Pol theme song is better because it’s at least not pretending to be something it isn’t.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

That was exactly what I was going to say, though it was a re-read for me :)

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

I think everyone has already covered the fact that it depends on which kind of zombie you’re talking about, since the only “real” zombies aren’t actually undead at all, and are certainly not mindless.

But! Even within the brain hungry zombie type, there would be plenty of reasons to target something other than the head!

First, the chances of attacking a living person, getting through their skull, and to the brain in a single attack are low. So, attacking other parts of the body in order to prevent the prey from escaping is a good idea.

If you then assume that the zombies will want living brains, rather than freshly dead, the guts are the ideal target. See, if you can get the living human down, and tear into their guts, they’ll be immobilized for the most part, but their heart should stay beating for at least a few minutes. This gives your brain eating zombie much better chances of having a bit of live brain. So, even if they’re too weak to crack the skull and eat quickly, if you have time, you can make it happen anyway.

Now, you probably were seeing one of the varieties of zombie fiction where their hunger is for either flesh in general and human by preference, or specifically for human flesh.

The walking dead zombies were flesh eaters in general, they were shown to eat deer and horse for sure, but seemed to prefer human when available. And there were a good number of scenes where they were seen digging into the abdomen. While Robert Kirkman has never given real details about how and why his zombies function as they do, we know two things for sure: First, they can function even when their body isn’t fully intact; second that they have a constant hunger for flesh that will drive them to attempt to eat, no matter what happens to the rest of them. Indeed, severed zombie heads can still try and eat.

So, you run into zombies in that world that may not be at full strength, but can drag down the living in numbers. They then crawl their way to the meat and gnaw.

But, the reason why walking dead zombies often go for the soft parts rather than arms and legs isn’t an in-universe thing, it’s practical. Zombies tearing the guts out of a victim looks cooler, and it’s easier to make effects for. Making a believable leg eating prop is a lot harder.

There’s also been versions of zombies where they have residual capacity for thinking, and memories. When that’s the case, you could be dealing with the mind that’s left going for a target that’s easier to chew into, as compared to a skull. The throat and belly are the most vulnerable targets available for human teeth that will kill or immobilize in a reasonable span of time.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Im dyslexic, so I rely a bit heavily on the keyboard to minimize errors from that. But, sometimes it causes others lol.

southsamurai, (edited )
@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Definitely crab rangoon.

They’re mostly cream cheese, but they manage to be way better than you’d think

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

But does he sleep all night and work all day?

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

First, you get a stick, then you get a rock.

Tie the rock to the stick, and you’ve got something!

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Dude, that’s fucking righteous. I don’t even need it, but the fact that you did it is cool as hell :)

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