I went to an Airbnb in Milano, in which in the middle of it’s block was literally a night club. Literally block residents and people who come to party enter and exit the same block door.
However, I didn’t hear anything, they soundproofed the hell out of this place, and the culture isn’t loud.
People that do it, usually do it because they themselves being compared to others (by their own or by others), so they don’t know another way.
If it works for you, go ahead, but if it won’t, remember you can do it your way, even though it might be different than others.
In my opinion, having a job is not something that is done because others do it, but it’s done because you want to do it. But if you don’t want to do it, change to something you’d want to do.
“Doing things” is part of the human core, so you have it in your core, regardless of others. “Job” is just getting paid for “Doing things”.