After an all-too-long development phase, I’m opening the new year with a new version of Tempo. This new version brings with it Android Auto support, one of the most requested features of all time....
I jumped onto the FreeBSD train a year ago and needed some virtualization tool for my job. A started using bhyve and must say that I am quite happy with it and don’t plan to move to any other tool soon. Not sure how it compares to other tools performance wise but it does the job for me.
Mine is Strawberry since it has a ton of options and plays a ton of formats. It’s also (distant) fork of Amarok 1.4 and integrates well with KDE Plasma. I’m curious what other people are using these days. What’s your favorite player?
I settled with Navidrome. It solves 2 use cases for me. Due to being web based it can be used by any PC or mobile device with access to my server. Additionally it supports subsonic which allows me to use a native android app (ultrasonic) and have music on the go. I don’t use services like Spotify.
Thanks for the tip but I’m not sure why I would choose a desktop client over Navidrome itself. I usually have the browser open anyway. But maybe I’m missing something useful by using an actual app?
Tempo – An open source music client for Subsonic built natively for Android, now with Android Auto support (
After an all-too-long development phase, I’m opening the new year with a new version of Tempo. This new version brings with it Android Auto support, one of the most requested features of all time....
Which distro in your opinion is the best for virtualization (Windows 10 on either KVM or VMware), stability, and speed?
What's your favorite music player on Linux? (
Mine is Strawberry since it has a ton of options and plays a ton of formats. It’s also (distant) fork of Amarok 1.4 and integrates well with KDE Plasma. I’m curious what other people are using these days. What’s your favorite player?