It’s the paradox of tolerance sadly. If they insist on being tribal then they’re insisting of being removed from the whole. And I care about the whole.
Where tribalism is normal? That’s literally everywhere. Do you have a favorite sports team? I don’t. Do you have a religion that you think is right? Not me.
I’m a member of groups, of course, but I feel no urge that these groups are somehow better or more than others.
Now, is it genetic or learned? Who knows. I was just replying to the guy who said it was a gene. I guarantee no research shows that’s a thing.
“first past the post” voting always devolves to a two party system. The founding fathers knew this and warned against it. Until we get ranked choice, or something similar, we’re stuck.
Most martial arts that you would practice are very careful about not giving you injuries. You’re practicing, not competing. Find a place to study, and ask the point blank how many injuries they get per month. The answer should be basically zero.
We can talk about cooperation and compromise as soon as the right starts doing it. For the last 40 years, the left is compromised and the right has dug in. This is dragged the country way farther right than we deserve.