This wouldn’t be truely democratic. It would rather be just like donations. Government spending works, because it’s all out into the same basket. If it weren’t, then rich taxpayers would move the movey to projects they want - and as would have very little old-age welfare, because they don’t pay much taxes anymk6and every group in society would put the money into their projects.
9 months until your game finally goes beyond loading screen. You pay it permanently and cannot stop playing it - and if you intentionally stop playing, you can’t play again. No savestates - which sucks for exploring alternatives. You also don’t get asked whether you want to play or not as well - you just get thrown in. Also there is no character selection screen and you start with whatever stats, region, context, etc. you rolled.
However, it is definitely quite interesting and gives you really very realistic experiences. Did I mention, that it’s much better in its immersion than all the AR/VR stuff and co? You even can properly smell and taste stuff there!