I started using those “eco sheets” for my laundry and they work just as well. The big win is the container is the size of your hand and is made of cardboard
Most people wouldn’t consider these “single use plastic” in the same way that a plastic baggie is. But I always make an effort to get glass containers for things like oil whenever possible
What is this the 2010’s again? Why are so many people shitting on people’s choices? If you like something then do it. End of story. If someone gives you shit for that they are the asshole
Unironcally. I think is what to do but backwards. You should try out the paths that lead toward the best paid jobs until you find the one you like the most. People get top caught up on finding their “dream job.” Your team, the company, and the culture will have a bigger impact on your mental health than the tasks anyway
It’s kinda baffaling to me that we don’t encourage more hybrid degrees for scientific reaearch. Like even if it was just 10% of the field that seems highly valuable