In my experience this mostly happens in the burbs. Once you get into the city no one gives a fuck about who you are and just wants you out of their line
I think VR will eventually find a home in games and video conferencing. BUT it will have to be ridiculously good before people are willing to put on a helmet for it
Speaking as a former employee of local government I would much rather have to deal with a world where people can film me (I was in IT) than not be able to film cops. Obviously there will be issues that need to get ironed out as we go. That’s how everything works. But that shouldn’t stop us from implementing the thing that is obviously for the better
Great question! If it’s illegal to film a public servant then it is illegal to verify they are actually serving the public’s best interest. In particular if you catch a public servant performing amoral or otherwise corrupt behaviour there is no way to publicaly verify that. Further without explicit legal protections for things then it is easier for that action to be banned or otherwise made illegal. No protection is no protection. A corrupt public servant has a vested interest in misinterpreting law in order to prevent you from exposing them. Which is why Oklahoma’s ban on filming police is still bad even though it is framed under the guise of protecting police from harassment
Personally I’m in favor of extreme automation like self checkout. The real issue is that the workers don’t see the return the buisness owners do. Like imagine if we had UBI + good unemployment and then it wouldn’t really be an issue. Walmart would have to compete with people going home