Mustafar was shown in Rogue One, specifically Vader’s Castle. It was also the planet at the very beginning of Rise of Skywalker where Kylo Ren slaughters all of those people and gets a holocron, or something.
Take a look at Minifree Ltd. For less than USD $500, you can get a decent ThinkPad with Libreboot and your choice of Linux distro (KDE Debian is installed by default).
For me it was salmon patties. My parents were fond of making them, especially during Lent. It was basically a can of salmon, toss in some (light) seasoning, and cook until its the consistency of a hockey puck. They were these dry, tasteless abominations and I could not stand them.
If I were to make them today, it’d be more akin to a crab cake and with fresh salmon instead of canned. But I won’t.