Sometimes people genuinely don’t know correct syntax. If you’re going to call that a shortcoming, you’re an ignorant walnut. Intellectual superiority is a shitty way to pretend to be better than someone else. It often incorrectly assumes everyone types the same language with the same proficiency which is a very provincial assumption.
It doesn’t matter what the tech is, if you can’t audit it, you can’t trust it.
Also a single private blockchain owner is just a blackbox data store, not a blockchain. I’ve already explained how it’s vulnerable to very simple attacks, much less the complicated attacks that will be thrown at something like this.
I don’t understand how AGPL allows Canonical to make and sell proprietary copies of this software without violating their license. That’s the only way your scenario could happen. If you’re aware of a situation where a company can do this, I’d love to learn.
Your only response to valid criticism about the lack of verification is pointing to the state of development as if that magically washes away all of the criticism. It doesn’t.
While I do have many tinfoil hats, basic fucking trust measures do not require me to pull them out. This is cryptography 101 shit not anything complicated.
I personally use Apache 2.0 because it’s been upheld in court. I’m not sure if MPL has been directly challenged in court. Either way, I agree with the sentiment. The legal perspective is why I moved away from MIT/ISC.
You haven’t shown that an insurance decision is correct. You also didn’t show that a court decision is right. You’re not seeing the forest for the trees.
Your faith is that evidence trumps all. That is a baseless claim unless you can prove it without the structures of evidence-based discourse. You are using logic to prove your statements which is logically equivalent to “god said so.” You argue your beliefs trump theirs; you are equivalent using your foundation. Your religion is logic which, as I have pointed out many times without comment from you, is just as made up as any religion and more importantly has the introspective capabilities to prove so.
This is a fairly straightforward epistemological argument; I’ve run out of ways to say it. Good luck!
The beauty of open source code is that you can fork this project and add that. The repo maintainer seems to have a simple litmus test for whether or not something should be on the list: is it something that will cause a bounce for email distribution? That’s a really subjective test so you kinda have to talk to the repo maintainer about answering it. I suspect they feed it into a library, perhaps one of the ones linked, for use with their platform, so their problem is most likely solved.
In theory, my email only serves as a way to verify me and spam me. A good account may require an email for communication and should allow that email to be changed without losing the account, in the same way the good account will let me change the password, the MFA, and ideally even the username (looking at you Steam). Same as a phone number. We’re beginning to see a move toward that flexibility. Most accounts with MFA allow it.
You don’t understand basic trust relationships. I don’t really care about your opinion. I already called out that your blind trust in beta software conflicts with my security fundamentals so we’re at an impasse. Once you understand why validation is important or can show why a critical component of trust architecture is somehow not necessary, I’d be happy to be happy to reconsider your opinion.
Put differently, I’ve got a revolutionary new financial encryption system. It can safely act as the middleware between you and any vendor. You can trust me with your credit card numbers because of my years experience and industry clout. You can’t see my system and I won’t do a PCI audit because it’s in beta. You can totally trust me though.
A fork assumes the old chain continues to exist instead of being completely replaced. Without insight into the chain, which is we can’t have until it’s public, you can’t make any guarantees of immutability.