If they were to listen for a set of predefined product-related keywords as well, they could take note of that and send that info inconspicuously to their servers as well without sending any audio recordings. Doesn’t have to be as precise as voice command recognition either, it’s just ad targeting.
Not saying they do that, but I believe they could.
I have only used the new version on my phone a little and it felt much smoother than before. The mobile app was always ass, so if the redesign stops it from crashing all the time on my tablet it’s a net win in my book
Even before any of the vaccines were finished, there were plans to not grant them any patent protection so they can be produced and distributed as widely as possible. Gates and his foundation lobbied hard against that and instead came up with the bullshit plan to have rich countries buy vaccines for poor countries, which helped no one but the insane profits of the pharma companies. In the case of the vaccine developed with public funding by the Oxford University, Gates actively talked them out of releasing it with an open license, so they sold it to AstraZeneca instead.