It’s important to learn about other things that can cause it like pronation before you just start going barefoot though as that can accelerate damage, I wish I knew that before
Yeah it can run in families sadly, from what I was told it can really depend on your ankle shape and how your weight is distributed on your foot.
My dad always warned me about wearing unsupported shoes like vans, converse, campers but I never listened, my younger cousin got the same thing only at a much younger age from being in the military hiking with gear all the time
For me the pain got really bad after I went mostly barefoot and wore leather slippers on a week long camping trip, my heels and ankles were hurting so bad it was hard to walk, after limping along like that for a while my arches started to hurt so I went to a foot guy who got me some support soles and stiff shoes with lots of laces to help keep my foot together while at work, it’s been getting better but not good enough to go barefoot yet, that is the end goal but doesn’t seem within reach any time soon
That was the first place I noticed it, thought it was really smart of them, someone would send me a meme or whatever and it would show their account at the top. Was impressed that they generate so many links, now they can see who knows who so easily
I think its a bit different with the internet on all devices now, games and tv and stuff like that is fine after the age of 3 or so but those micro-transaction addictive games and social media is something else you have to keep an eye on
I use a bidet daily and sometimes theres still some poopy left after a few long sprays, I use toilet paper to dry off and do a check and then if its clean Im good to go, otherwise I hit it with some more sprays and check again. a few sheets of toilet paper is a lot better than no bidet but Im still not convinced a bidet by itself is good enough. at least here in the states bidets are simple bolt on squirters not a separate thing that might do a better job