It kind of sucks infrastructurally for sure. I dunno. I’ve had the thought that at least if I could go over and harvest some of it then that might at least make it a little less stomach-churning, ironically, but that’s kind of my weird instinct.
From my experience, the animals are more the stupid ones that jump out in front of the car unexpectedly. I once tried to dodge a raccoon but every time I swerved a direction, it followed me and then jumped towards my car last second :/
It’s easy to get all sympathetic with a mammal that has a face, but insects? Have you seen an insects face? No thanks.
Cute animal = aww don’t kill it so we can live
Insect = they can all die for all I care
vegans, probably.
… And don’t at me about how many there are or anything. Or that they don’t suffer like mammals do… The biomass of cows alone outweighs humans, and I’m sure chickens aren’t far behind. I’m also certain that there’s been studies showing that insects react to stimulus, and we have just as much information about their experience of pain as we do for animals. Quiet.
To be fair, a lot of vegans have made that choice because of how animals suffer in factory farms. That’s valid and I won’t debate it; but you’re probably not crying over dead bugs. So this really isn’t aimed at you. You’re good. Your reasons are valid. I’m not a vegan but I can recognise that the treatment of animals in factory farming needs to be improved. At the same time, I have accepted that Bessie tastes really good in spite of how she was treated. I made my choice. I live with that.
Not just back roads, it used to be almost everywhere. Even riding your bike you often had bugs smash into your face. It’s really eerie now that it’s not a thing anymore.
15 years ago i couldn’t go for a run without getting a bunch of cluster flies in my teeth and eyes. now, i hardly see them anymore. and not just because i don’t run as often.
I did a quick search after the other replies came in, scientific consensus seems to be "more research required to be scientific about it, but looks like there are way less bugs about’
You say that like you think everyone has newer cars. It’s absolutely not about that. It’s our destruction of the climate, which has killed off the majority of insects.
There are scientists who actually study bug strikes on vehicles. They use it to measure insect decline, and if you’re wondering, it’s massive. I think one article I read had it as high as 40% over the last 20 years in some areas.
It’s all my fault. I accidentally hit an entire swarm of bees with my car in the 90s and it’s all gone downhill from there. Hell of a thing to clean off.
A car tried to reverse onto me the other day, at a red light they went forward then popped it into reverse and backed up really quick but luckily stopped before it hit me
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