You’re spreading a bunch of low-grade conspiracy nonsense related to climate geo-engineering - something about chemtrail (this is the first time I am hearing about this weird conspiracy, so I do not know the exact depth and width of what other nonsense you might believe in).
Any mod would want to do their due diligence to not make their users look like a bunch of lunatics. In my opinion, they have done their job properly. Misinformation is at it’s highest, you need to learn to verify your sources first.
You can appeal for an account restoration in the Matrix server, but is it worth the effort? Just make a new account, and don’t repeat the conspiracy shenanigans.
Wion is a subsidary of Essel Group, and a right-wing, populist mouthpiece. They’re responsible for spreading hate in India against the minority groups.
I was planning to learn C23 for quite some time. It’s a pity that I’ve been planning to learn RISC-V with it, sigh. I guess I’m gonna move over to Rust or Zig, whichever makes sense. But I’d probably switch, when Vale becomes a legit language.
Nah, too old school. I’d recommend Fissioneral. Want to shred your entire existence and generate energy for three generations of your descendants? It uses the same technology as the sun! Give us a call!
I should have framed my words better, I guess. Rust is a radically different language, and honestly, none of the feature it offers fixes the main issue, that is technical debt - I mean yes, there’s incline C or FFI, but that’s still going to be a radical migration.
What I’m trying to propose is an alternative project, independent from the ISO. Maybe it could be a C-to-Rust, or a C-to-Vale migration project. It could be any of the modern language, I don’t really care. But that particular compiler/transpiler/migrationpiler/<something>-piler should have the ability to do step-by-step migration.
But what is wrong with C and C++ apart from the ISO fuck-up (ahem, slow updates)? There’s a lot of technical debt, so wouldn’t it be better to create an alt-language compiler that adds improvement over C, so that migration is possible in multiple stages?
Using NixOS for more than six months, and I think I’m eligible to say what I like and hate about it.
What you’ll like:
easy configuration - just refer, it’s that easy. I’m not taking that comment about “NixOS being hard to configure” seriously - and this is coming from someone who hasn’t even learnt the language properly. Yes, my configuration.nix is slightly polluted with Starship configs, and I might want to break them into modules, but it is still a job done decently.
won’t break easily except in some extreme situations - Laptop accidentally slipped from my hand during nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade - I guess it was the physical trauma to my device messed up the mount path to /boot, but it was rescued by a single CLI command from the recovery USB, and I didn’t lose any files.
upgrade is not prone to breakage, and even if it does, you can rollback - just don’t walk while holding your device and drop it.
it is a serious distro, not a “hobby” OS, and the experiences you will gain from learning Nix will help you with SaaS platforms like Replit or Railway, if you’re interested in using them sometimes in the future.
What you won’t like:
Binaries do not work properly - since Nix store is a completely different storage system compared to your usual FHS, most of the binaries will suffer from incorrect RPATH and dynamic loader issues - you might have to autopatchELF them, which is kind of irritating. This is also the case for AppImages, by the way.
Nix language is more like a custom DSL and less of a general purpose language, so you’re gonna have to use another language for automation (Shell, Python, Ruby), which might pollute your self-hosted Nixpkgs - Guix fixes this issue.
The bad part about NixOS is writing Nixpkgs expressions. The repository is damn huge and it is hard to maintain spaghetti code, writing your own package can be pretty hard, there’s some “hack”-y stuff you’re gonna have to use for building in, let’s say, using buildRustPackage and buildDotnetModule, and you’re gonna have to work with a senior maintainer.
Honestly, if I had to avoid Nix, I would go for Guix, Gentoo or Devuan. But yes, if you’re a beginner, I’d ask that you refrain from touching NixOS.