I was planning to learn C23 for quite some time. It’s a pity that I’ve been planning to learn RISC-V with it, sigh. I guess I’m gonna move over to Rust or Zig, whichever makes sense. But I’d probably switch, when Vale becomes a legit language.
Nah, too old school. I’d recommend Fissioneral. Want to shred your entire existence and generate energy for three generations of your descendants? It uses the same technology as the sun! Give us a call!
I should have framed my words better, I guess. Rust is a radically different language, and honestly, none of the feature it offers fixes the main issue, that is technical debt - I mean yes, there’s incline C or FFI, but that’s still going to be a radical migration.
What I’m trying to propose is an alternative project, independent from the ISO. Maybe it could be a C-to-Rust, or a C-to-Vale migration project. It could be any of the modern language, I don’t really care. But that particular compiler/transpiler/migrationpiler/<something>-piler should have the ability to do step-by-step migration.
But what is wrong with C and C++ apart from the ISO fuck-up (ahem, slow updates)? There’s a lot of technical debt, so wouldn’t it be better to create an alt-language compiler that adds improvement over C, so that migration is possible in multiple stages?
“Hmphhh”, breathing heavily, one of your half-informed brethren approaches you. In front of you is a bizzare creature that spends day and night modding his kawaii, unproportionally large breasted and rainbow-eyed waifu desktop. On one hand is his aformentioned waifu pillow stained with, let’s not talk about that. On his legs are two large stocking-like socks, no pants and a shirt that says “I ❤️ Poettering”
“Akshually…”, and as he says that, you can hear the velled up mucus, ready to launch itself upon further tickle to the nose. Quickly, you hand this poor lad a box of tissue. Nodding his head, as to be grateful for your act of kindness, he empties all the air out of his lungs. “That’s a lot you’re holding in there”, you silently whisper.
“…As I was saying, systemd is not an init system, it is more than that”, smirks this weird man. As you try to process all of that, to your horror, you realise that you’re speaking to a modder, or as they call it in politically incorrect terms, a ricer. One of those people you’ve never wanted to meet in real life.
“But I do care about security, and the attack surface is now pretty larg…”, you say, to which the man interrupts, “Linux does not have any viruses, s…stop spreading FUD…banned, 1 day”. The last part doesn’t make a lot of sense, but you assume that he’s pretending this conversation to be on a forum, and he is a “moderator”.
“I do care about the basic UNIX philosophy, which is modulari…”, again, to which this gentleman in front of you interrupts, “If you want modularity, then start from making a micro-kernel. Banned, 5 days”, he scoffs and laughs at you.
“But Poettering left a mess behind that is Linux audio, atd you trust that guy? Also systemd is not as fast as he claims to be, how can y…”
“Akshually…”, you mumur, as you leave the room, but the man heard you clearly. “…I am a big fan of Scheme, so I learnt Guile. Now I use GNU Shepherd”, you say, as you close the door behind.
“ARRRRRRRR! BANNED, 2 MONTHS! BANNED, 3 MONTHS! ARRRRRRR!”, you hear the noise behind, content that you’re not one the one following the herds to the cliff.
Works on the web page, but looks weird on some mobile app. Markdown is a fucking mess. Some implementation has MathJax support, some have special syntaxes.