I was planning to learn C23 for quite some time. It’s a pity that I’ve been planning to learn RISC-V with it, sigh. I guess I’m gonna move over to Rust or Zig, whichever makes sense. But I’d probably switch, when Vale becomes a legit language.
Now I’m being dragged into the anti-systemd ideology. I have a bunch of CLI utility that I have never ever touched since the three years I’ve been on Linux. I just came across homectl, machinectl and timedatectl, and I’m convinced that the part about “bloat” does make a lot of sense now.
I meant alternatives to systemd-homed, systemd-machined and the likes. Since I’m on NixOS, I’m restricted to most of the systemd stuff. I’m not even sure if I need all of them.
I think the predecessors to RavynOS, it was called HelloSystem I think. In that project, they were talking about an alternative display server protocol.