I looked for it for, like, a hour or so, but couldn’t find the scanned copies.
Thank you for your effort, but it looks like someone will have to create a scanned archive haha.
I tried to email those folks, but never got a reply back. Kinda irritating, but as a last resort, I think I’m gonna have to ask for permission from the university where the books are currently available, travel to the physical location myself, borrow a camera, and archive the scans on the internet.
Apparently, this dictionary is said to the most comprehensive for any Dravidian language, and has been awarded the Gundert Award. It is kind of frustrating that I did not know about this work before, because right now, I am using Mariappa Bhatt and Shankar Kedilya’s dictionary, which isn’t that comprehensive, and also lacks IPA guides for character phonetics.
Right now is not the best time for me, because I am jobless, and have some monetary issues right now. I am trying to create a open-source WordNet (yes, there is one already available, but I could not find the data) to prepare this for when resource-poor languages can be successfully introduced to LLMs.
I don’t like GNOME for it’s poor theming support and it’s toxic dev community (ahem, talking about senior devs, especially Ebassi’s hostility towards newbies), but I think that it has some well-designed defaults. I love the workflow - everything is fast and snappy, shortcuts are pretty nice, aligning window is quick, and if there’s a lack of space, I can just drop the app in another workspace. Yes, I am using GNOME 45 at the movement, and I think it’s quite nice. But I also love the roadmap of GNUStep, and maybe if I can in the future, I would love to assist Gregory Casamento.
If I remember, there was another display protocol being developed as an answer to Wayland for BSD. I don’t remember what it was called, but that project was basically about an open source MacOS.
I should have framed my words better, I guess. Rust is a radically different language, and honestly, none of the feature it offers fixes the main issue, that is technical debt - I mean yes, there’s incline C or FFI, but that’s still going to be a radical migration.
What I’m trying to propose is an alternative project, independent from the ISO. Maybe it could be a C-to-Rust, or a C-to-Vale migration project. It could be any of the modern language, I don’t really care. But that particular compiler/transpiler/migrationpiler/<something>-piler should have the ability to do step-by-step migration.
Use Nix expressions or flakes for that - just copy a simple example of default.nix or shell.nix from a git host and tweak it to your liking. Personally, I am not a fan of how Nix handles Python, and still can’t get used to how Python packages have to be included in expressions, so I create a temporary virtual environment for the time-being.