Works on the web page, but looks weird on some mobile app. Markdown is a fucking mess. Some implementation has MathJax support, some have special syntaxes.
The jet spray from a bidet removes shit thoroughly from the ass cracks. Since bidets are effective at cleaning, it should not leave any poop stains.
You don’t use them while sitting. After you’re done with ass-washing, you get up from the toilet seat and dry your butt.
You’re not supposed to rub it, unless you want a bloodied, dangling rectum. It is used to absorb water, because the debris has already been dealt with by the bidet.
People shit only once or twice per day. The towel is replaced after 12 hours, or sometime even after every use, so what’s exactly wrong with it?
It isn’t supposed to be shared. I mean, you wouldn’t share a hanky or a body towel with someone else, would you?
Most people from around the world, especially in Europe and Asia, do this, so it is normal?
Eco-friendly? No paper is being wasted. Also no jammed toilets.
Nah, too old school. I’d recommend Fissioneral. Want to shred your entire existence and generate energy for three generations of your descendants? It uses the same technology as the sun! Give us a call!
I know that this is probably some close-sourced shenanigans, but can I push the limits of brightness below what GNOME sets? In Windows, I could go as low as I could, but this isn’t possible in GNOME anymore.
This was around the 2010. It was about six to seven years since we migrated to New Mumbai - it was a new city, but it was a nice place. Not heavily cramped like Old Mumbai, fresh air, lots of greenery and poor and rich neighbourhoods weren’t seperated. We could only afford eating restaurant food once in a month. I was around 8 to 9 years old. As a lower-class Indian family, eating “American junk” was considered bourgie and posh during those days. When I mean lower-class, I’m talking about having no home appliances, like fridge, washing machine, A.C. or any of those stuff. Just a bunch of sleeping-mats, utensils and an old CRT T.V.
It so happened that during those days, Domino’s also started advertising their tacos. As kids, me and my sibling were fascinated by this American, “white-people” food. That day, we were supposed to eat some tandoori tikka chicken, roti and non-veg biriyani. We threw a tantrum, asking my dad to buy one of those new taco product - one of those boxes had two “large” tacos. Well, we ordered it.
And lo, behold, the delivery guy brings in the “American delight”. Well, at first, we were caught a little off-guard, because the box was tiny. Must be just our imagination , we thought. So my dad asks the delivery guy if that was the right order. He gives a weird look and leaves. So, we go running to the basin, wash our hands, and come back prancing. Open the box, and to our horror, we see two tiny, itty-bitty macron-sized tacos (never saw a macron in person, but I’m assuming it must be pretty small). And the taste? It felt like eating wall-paint flakes.
We ate one of those tacos, and my dad asks if we’re still hungry. Well, we did not complain. That day, both mom and dad slept hungry. ₹110 for a bunch of American crap, and we could have enjoyed a hearty Punjabi cuisine.
It was also after I started browsing over the internet, that I realised that fast-food restaurants target peasants and wage-slaves in their own land, and ironically, they sell it over here as if one of the many thousand gods kissed the dough while kneading.
Didn’t order their pizzas using my own money, but when I had the chance to visit my rich classmate’s birthday party, they would bring it, and it tasted like paperboard. This is a story for another time, but what basically happened was that I got a chance to visit a culinary school somewhere in Panvel, and the first-year guy over there made the best, Indi-Italian fusion pizza and pasta. Yes, we didn’t get a large slice, just a few bites, because it was a school trip, and there were a lot of students. But that was the best Italian dish I’ve experienced in my life.
Moral of the story: Fuck Domino’s and every other fast food restaurants except KFC.
Alternatively, you can use you phone to USB-tether? Or if you’re on NixOS or Guix, where binaries stop working, you can build a custom ISO image with the necessarily tools already available.
But those aren’t a part of the PulseAudio package in general - at least from what I know. Looks more like LADSPA and CALF plugins to me. Maybe you’ve installed them accidentally?
But what is wrong with C and C++ apart from the ISO fuck-up (ahem, slow updates)? There’s a lot of technical debt, so wouldn’t it be better to create an alt-language compiler that adds improvement over C, so that migration is possible in multiple stages?
If you love it so much, then you can use Flatpak, Snap, Guix or Nix - there are user-level package managers that will give you the required choice. But why Brave? Aren’t there better Chromium alternatives out there?