The disadvantage with React Native is that you still have to maintain a UI for each platform because it maps to native widgets while a web UI works the same on every platform.
Sure, but it’s still more work than a web UI, and using a web UI is a lot more flexible. For example, say you want to render a chart or some other visualization. It’s trivial to do with a web UI, but can be a tricky problem with native widgets, especially if you want to keep the UX consistent across platforms. I agree that using React Native can work fine in a lot of cases, but I can also understand the appeal of using the web UI stack. Another aspect is likely familiarity, people use the tools they know, and if somebody is already comfortable with a particular ecosystem they’re likely to leverage it.
China’s carbon emissions are now entering a structural decline while your deplorable excuse for a country is ramping emissions up, but do go on there…/chinas-carbon-emissions-set-for…
While the system does select for psychopathic behaviors, it’s not a meritocracy because you don’t need to be exceptional at being ruthless, greedy, selfish, egotistical, ignorant, arrogant, immoral, unethical and wicked to become enormously wealthy. There are plenty of deplorable people who never make it big under capitalism. It’s mostly just a birth lottery. People who are lucky enough to be born into money, who end up having family connections, and are plugged into the oligarchy are the ones who statistically make it.
And there are actual studies showing that luck is the major factor
it’s weird how they always have a problem with the immigrants taking their jobs and not business owners choosing to hire people they can pay less and exploit harder
America: Getting ready for another election. Rest of the world: (
Were this the ‘good ole times’ they always talk about? (
Social Media Users (
Apple Confirms Governments Using Push Notifications to Surveil Users (
An open-source, cross-platform terminal for seamless workflows (
Render anything inline. Save sessions and history. Powered by open web standards....
It's that time of the year again (
Just found out what this motherfucker did. Absolutely disgusting. (
USA Making The World Fuckeder (
Get Bread Get Dead (
I'm altering the meme (
Who's really coming for our jobs (
CaPiTaLisM Is WoRKiNg (
If I don't laugh I'd cry (
Where Is The Capital of England? (