(if you don’t want to go through all my strident words) Thus, after this rant, my question is: where do I start from to build my surviving kit and my right to be private and disclose personal information to who and when I want to. How I become the actual owner of my device?...
Here in Italy, often schools, the educative relationship betwenn teachers and students is kept through google classroom. Once I’ve worked in a school that had both solutions: Moodle (the usability is very very scarce) and Google classroom. During the years I’ve developped an increasing grudge toward Google, because in the...
Good morning, I write from Italy and here, where I live, but it is not only here the problem, are launched public roads projects that are breathtakingly bad and obsolete. I am no expert, I just think to have a minimum of good sense to understand that projects that are raping the countryside to build streets and welcome the...
I find that i can spot AI Images fairly easily these days, especially the sort of fantastical tableaus that get posted to the various AI communities around lemmy. I’m tired of seeing them; it all looks the same to me. Was wondering if im being too sensitive, or if other people are similarly bored of the constant unimaginative...
Bananas are ridiculously cheap even up here in Canada, and they aren’t grown anywhere near here. Yet a banana can grow, be harvested, be shipped, be stocked, and then be purchased by me for less than it’d cost to mail a letter across town. (Well, if I could buy a single banana maybe…or maybe that’s not the best...
Yesterday I accidentally learned that you can reposition the closed captions on YouTube videos. I waa at the Smartboard talking about how the cursor and my finger were a couple of inches apart, and I accidentally dragged the captions of a YouTube video that we were watching.
I was using Samsung’s news app until it kept overwhelming me with ads for walk-in showers and politics. What are good apps that aggregate news from multiple sources? Bonus if they provide actual links to the articles and don’t just steal the content.
Was looking for instances for Librephotos and came across sites like this. As you can see these sites contain the same type of information taken from official sources. If you click on the link, you will be redirected to a blank google search page....
If they poop outside their litterbox on mat, how do I determine the guilty party and also why does it stochastically happen only occasionally and at night?
We all get bored sometimess and scroll mindlessly through various social media feeds, like instagram (fuck you), reddit (fuck you) or lemmy (no offense, love you guys)....