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Behind the Bastards...
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Behind the Bastards...
I gotta ask, am I the only one here who’s absolutely fucking salivating at the thought of North Korea unleashing a legion of AI-powered Terminators on the world stage? I mean, think about it: North Korea creating a fucking army of Skynet-level robots that could march into Seoul or Tokyo or even Washington DC and just start...
I found a site that doesn’t collect much user data, but it seems to have been down for a while. Attempts to upload the file were unsuccessful....
imagine a slider on a video game going way in the other direction, that is. this isn’t like one of those philosophy riddle things
we need teleportation frankly
R5: just started checking it out. It’s cool and has some advantages of others. It’s hella expensive. Thoughts?
I remember reading somewhere (probably my high school textbook) that one of the reasons people don’t like wind power being built is they cause visual pollution....
Did they all flock to Raddle or something?
I am looking to move on from spotify, what music streaming service pays the artists the best while still having a large library.
Hi all,...
What is the least shitty shit store? Never had a good experience with any of the shops such as, wish, aliexpress and the rest of em. But which one of them is considered the better one, or more likely to actually arrive with the correct item? Is etsy considered better than the rest? Are there any of these “low priced” stores...
Why was the overly attached girlfriend allowed to post her guidelines for managing a violent and abusive relationship with memes on Reddit over a period of years?
last time i got a haircut the barber lady was quite cute and chatty and in the middle of the haircut, this obnoxious song came on the radio over the PA whose lyrics were quite literally i’m falling in love with a stranger repeated 50 times, crystal clear, little instrumental backing even. and of course she could feel my...
Seriously. I don’t want to install something on my phone when the dev is just using a WebView, if that’s what it’s called. When the app is basically just a website with the browser hidden....
Never heard any follow ups on the taste thing, so I need answers...
Perhaps failure in college, class, career, or other things.
Hi! My less-than-10-year-old has their own iPad (registered under my apple id) and wants to be able to “text” with the rest of the family. Most of us are not Apple people though: Android phones, using some combo of SMS, Discord, and Signal. The little one doesn’t have a phone, so I think that prevents us from signing them...
As a child I mean.