I'm so confused right now 🤔 (startrek.website)
That is not Miles O’Brien. Am I in a BORG created nightmare? I want back to the 24th century....
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That is not Miles O’Brien. Am I in a BORG created nightmare? I want back to the 24th century....
Bouncing off of Blackout and Flying Squid.
Either way, got a lady! 😘😘
Yeah, I know he’s was compromised by Ferengi, but c’mon, Reg, the guy you were templated on literally served under Picard when he was assimilated.
Accessibility text: Character Clem Fandango from Toast of London saying, “Hello Burnham, this is Ash Tyler, can you hear me?”
[Image transcription: A “Doctor’s hate him” style meme titled “The Founders HATE Him” about Goran’Agar. The side text reads “He beat his ketracel-white addiction in less than 35 days using this simple trick. FIND OUT HOW”]
Merry Trek-mas to you all! Thanks so much for all of your help, participation, and creative contributions. Let’s do this again next year! Comment some new categories or any formatting suggestions for Trek-mas 2024....
A Christmas Song to sing with the whole family!.. Except Wesley. He had to shut up.