Sydney is very concerned about lost data (

Super-Fun-Pak Comix by Ruben Bolling for January 15, 2024
i was just banned from reddit for 3 days for “threatening violence” in this comment...
In search for free domain I got IPQuick. It gives a random domain for any IP4&6. I know not reliable for commercial use but I just want a domain for nextcloud,fediverse and mail....
My lemmy-ui container is spiking cpu usage and looking into the logs the following shows up (900.000 lines in total). Any ideas what the issue could be? I’m on 0.19.1, everything seems to be working fine aside from the logs filling up and the usage piking sometimes....
So I use a VPN when torrenting as per usual but with Soulseek I wish to share my music with others and that requires me to open a port. I have no problem doing so I just do not pay for a VPN that can do this at the current price I am paying. Is it possible/what are the chances of me getting in trouble ISP wise from using...
Source: Website - RSS
I have a laptop I’ve been running various Linux distributions on for the past 3 years. Currently on Fedora39 but I’ve had this issue on every distro I’ve run....
At one end of the wire is a 3.5 mm Jack plug. On the other end of the wire is presumably a glass LED....
Edit It’s 17:08 now and it still shows 3 minutes...
As the video game industry is approaching the norm of expensive games, I would like to save my money while still being able to play these games.