Feelings – The Other End Comics (i0.wp.com)
Source: www.kohney.com/comic/feelings/
Source: www.kohney.com/comic/feelings/
Solution: @DJPhil has made some really insightful comments below, which are really useful. If you just want the cap you can set the parametric searches for 660uF, or in September 2023 I’ve found that digikey stock(s/ed) chemi-con EKHJ451VSN661MA59M....
Location on a map: www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=42.1486108&mlon=-…
Book Lover...
Hello! This is my first lemmy post and this is the first episode of Mooshy and Co. The comic is about Mooshy Mooshovitz. a red squirrel who lives in Colorado and works at a big acorn warehouse in Cheesman Park....
As solder bump pitches shrink, several issues arise. Reduced bump height and surface area for bonding make it increasingly difficult to establish reliable electrical connections, necessitating precise manufacturing processes to avoid errors. Critical co-planarity and surface roughness become paramount, as even minor...
Obscure government algorithms are making life-changing decisions about millions of people around the world. Here, for the first time, we reveal how one of these systems works.
Although you are probably not aware of them, dozens of electronic control units (ECUs) — printed circuit boards (PCBs) in metal or plastic housings — exist in your car to control and monitor the operation and safety of your vehicle’s many control systems. These units must work for the lifetime of your car, during which...