My body and mind are in harmony (

Salute all Junglist crew! Big weighty business from the one like SuM. 1600lbs of pure chonk bass for your gluttonous appetite. We’re giving this one away from our label Jungle Tings Audio....
Source: game of the year is tiddlywinks on Tumblr...
They landed, said “let’s build some huge triangles for shits and giggles” and then they fucked off.
All the McD*nalds in my area have been upgraded with order kiosks. Regardless of all the controversy around self-checkout, and minimum wage, and automation taking our jobs, I personally love them. I can take my sweet time composing my order, I can see the full selection (such as it is), I can see pictures and prices clearly...
I drew this comic on Twitch, and I’m about to start drawing new spooky comic today as well if you wanna come say hi!
Gryzlock Source Links:...
Source: Website - RSS...
Sources for Salo Comics...
Source: Website - RSS