How do I go about writing aquatic humans as an allegory (or w/e the right word is) for Indigenous people?
I’m considering writing the merfolk in my story as a sort of metaphor for indigenous peoples, as well as other sea-dwelling or otherwise aquatic humans. Is this inherently problematic in and of itself, or is there a way to write this that works and is respectful to actual indigenous folks? If it’s inherently disrespectful, I...
People really do use Google Search to visit well-known websites instead of typing their names into the address bar (

Life cycle (

Today is the independence day of Vanuatu, gaining its independence July 30 1980 and adapting this flag. (
Wikipedia page about the flag...

Boomers v Millennials (Sarah's Scribbles - Sarah C. Andersen) (
Linux you say? I n t e r e s t i n g . . . (
Created with ascii-matrix

Heat pumps sold so fast in Maine, the state just upped its target (

Leonid Brezhnev, Lenny Bruce and Lester Bangs (

7-29-23 (
Help grow ! (
Help grow the great Factorio game here on

What movies, books or tv shows are meant to spoof/parody a particular genre while actually being a great example of the genre?
The 3 that come to mind for me are Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz and The Princess Bride. All three are poking fun at their respective genres but also are great examples of the genre. I’m curious if Lemmy has other such examples.
A broken popsicle stick (

Is it possible to have Wikipedia sources in a cycle?
I’m not very familiar with how Wikipedia vets the sources in the references/external links. I was wondering whether there are manual or automated checks for cyclic sources, for example a Wikipedia page cites a source for something, but such source after a few rounds of citing would go back to the same Wikipedia page....
What are the best search engines/Q&A sites?
SEO has made it incredibly hard to find answers without getting spammed by news and blog sites. Places like ask Lemmy help democratize answers through upvotes and downvotes so the quality is higher....
What really happened (

there is no problem (

Natural Cause (

When IT insists on autogenerated email addresses… (

Awwnverts: A place for adorable invertebrates. (
They don’t need vertebrae to be the cutest cuties around!...

Translated Eastern Fantasy Novels - (
I love the aesthetic (

It is what it is (
mmm spicy water (