I have a Galaxy Tab S7 and for a trip to Spain I downloaded some stuff to watch on the flight. When I got on the plane none of the stuff downloaded on Disney+ would play. Maybe an issue with downloading to the SD card? I don’t know, but regardless Disney offers SD card as a download destination so they should make sure it is...
Heya folks, some people online told me I was doing partitions wrong, but I’ve been doing it this way for years. Since I’ve been doing it for years, I could be doing it in an outdated way, so I thought I should ask....
Please understandnim asking this question from a genuine place. I dont want the quora answer, i want the tech savvy, security expert minds of my fellow lemmings. If thats ok?...
I have a unique name, think John Doe, and I’m hoping to create a unique and “professional” looking email account like johndoe@gmail.com or john@doe.com. Since my name is common, all reasonable permutations are taken. I was considering purchasing a domain with something unique, then making personal family email accounts for...
It feels like no matter where I turn some septuagenarian, or older, is making life miserable for myself and others. Usually these are older white Christian conservatives, obsessed with a delusional sense of reality that no longer has a basis in fact, or perhaps never did....
I originally posted this on the other site back when I took the picture, and it resulted in a lot of confused comments, especially from Americans, eventually getting removed by overzealous mods. Either way, I promise you that this date does not exist, and has never existed.
When I press on some message to forward it, it shows me Random usernames of contacts I don’t know. And it even shows some Mobile Numbers I don’t know. For example, one number starts with +964 that’s Iraq. I’m from Europe tho. These contacts and numbers are from all over the place....
Hi im new here, cause im trans, also a bit into leftism (I like the red vibe and hate capitalism) but not committed mostly because im new to politics in general. This is a burner because the whole subject seems very heated and I don’t want my main account banned....
I have been distro hopping for about 2 weeks now, there’s always something that doesn’t work. I thought I would stick with Debian and now I haven’t been able to make my printer work in it, I think I tried in another distro and it just worked out of the box, but there’s always something that’s broken in every distro....