3-2-1 Backup Rule (www.starwindsoftware.com)
Something i haven't seen posted here yet, but worth say over and over again....
Something i haven't seen posted here yet, but worth say over and over again....
Reddit CEO Steve Huffman said he wants to end user-led protest by instituting a rule that would allow users to vote out moderators who have overseen the protest. NBC News' David Ingram shares the latest.
Another update and possibly a solution for some case where posts were not properly deleted. Seems I jumped the gun on this and the restores haven't been intentional - at least not in this particular case....
Met een inkoopprijs van 23 euro per megawattuur (MWh) op 1 juni leek de gascrisis voorbij, maar nu blijkt hoe grillig de gasprijzen zijn. De prijs van gas sloot gisteren op ruim 40 euro per MWh en naderde eerder op de dag zelfs even de 50 euro per MWh. Oorzaken: de stijgende vraag naar gas in China en minder aanbod uit...
Most data shown so far looked at the Peak per Minute numbers, so I wanted to see the day data instead....
Thousands of subreddits are still dark.
Als je contant betaalt, let dan op wat je terugkrijgt aan wisselgeld. Want er zijn buitenlandse munten in omloop in Nederland die erg lijken op euromunten....
Ik heb niet genoeg kennis over dit onderwerp en voel me niet geroepen om hier echt een mening over te vormen. Juist daarom (en omdat ik er meer over wil leren) ben ik wel benieuwd naar die van mensen die hier meer kennis over hebben. Waarom wordt de erkenning van 1945 als aanval op het bestaansrecht van de huidige RMS regering...
My kid just ran into the corner of the bed and gave herself a charlie horse. She started screaming and shouting "why!?" like Nancy Kerrigan and my wife and I just had to laugh. Anyone else ever think it's kind of funny when your kid does something like that?...
Om the janken, nog weer sneller bij de 1,5 graad opwarming dan eerst gedacht was.
Now, dear The Node reader, what does all this have to do with crypto? Or how can it help you earn money? Well, depending on how the situation shakes out it could have a few implications for crypto as a social movement. Obviously, the ability for a company to make unilateral decisions that severely affect users is a Big Plus for...
Title. Could be apps or websites.
One thing Reddit dominates on is search results. I’m looking things up and seeing so many links to reddit, which I guess is going to help keep that place relevant (unless those subreddits stay dark)....
I've been watching a couple of YouTube videos doing component-level repair. I've noticed some of them have super fine multimeter probes, often with insulation covering most of the length of the probe. I haven't found ones like this on my usual sites, but I'm not sure if I'm just missing something. Can anyone suggest some meter...
There’s been an influx of content surrounding lemmy here. Some of it is open ended:...
How’d it get up there?
People need to realize you can use alternatives
In a surprise move, Ubuntu developers have agreed to stop shipping Flatpak, preinstalled Flatpak apps, and any plugins needed to install Flatpak apps through a GUI software tool in the default package set across all eight of Ubuntu’s official flavors, as of the upcoming Ubuntu 23.04 release.