For me personally, trams are right up there. Aside from the main issue of sharing the roads instead of having a dedicated line, they really make it easy to get from one part of a city to another, especially for wheelchair users. They’re usually as frequent as buses, but much faster. The stations are much more attractive...
Yesterday, I suddenly noticed that the “Return Youtube Dislike” extension wasn’t working, as in, I wasn’t seeing any dislikes. Is Youtube the cause of this? or this is just some random bug?
Is this new to post-blackout reddit is or has it been this way for a while. Top post of r/all is a tweet from like 2 years ago about a "current event" that no one has talked about since then and 100% of the comments are talking about this like this topic is the focus of today's or any recent time's 24 hour news cycle. Nearly 30K...
Utopia? Flying jetson cars? Mole people living underground? Everything’s on fire and humanity ends? I’m just curious about anyone’s thoughts in general 😀
I am potentially going to be able to put Linux on my work PC soon, have been using it on my personal PC and laptop quite happily with hyprland ontop of NixOS...