British engineer J. A. Purves in his 'Dynasphere' vehicle, 1932 (
Seasonal Affective Disorder (
Selecting the New Face of openSUSE is Underway (
The openSUSE community’s logo contest submission phase is now complete and voting for the logos has begun....
Magic π (
Extensions list removed for Tachiyomi (
it looks like implications of Kakao dispute is getting harder
Why can't we get our shit together? (
Fedora Asahi Remix Officially Released for Apple Silicon Macs (
Announced in early August and initially planned for the end of the month, the Fedora Asahi Remix distribution is finally here for those who want to install the Fedora Linux operating system on their Apple Silicon Macs....
Privacy advocate challenges YouTube's ad blocking detection (
How many do you need?! *sobs* (
New S.C. law lets students bring sunscreen to school without a doctor’s note (
You do know you can just click the "reject all" button, right? (
Almost got me there Google! (
Nerds of equal standing. (
Why is she making KD at 1:30 am? (
One of my back teeth is aching at the moment (
More Parmesan? - Existential Comics (
Pronouns. (
Fedora Linux 39 Released As A Wonderful Upgrade For Leading Workstations & Servers (
The New York Times tried to block the Internet Archive: another reason to value the latter (
Reddit's Contributor Program could earn you real money for your Reddit karma (
Reddit could be working on a Contributor program, letting top contributors earn real-world money from the gold and karma they receive.