You can all pry my ketracel white from my cold, dead, spicy and delicious hands. (

Ketracel while
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Does anyone recognise these power supplies? They’re cheap AliExpress led drivers and I want to change its output voltage to around 22V from 12V. I’ve read that the way to do this is to adjust the REF voltage on the IC that controls it. It’s a KA3845 but I don’t understand where that reference voltage is regulated. One...
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Two panel meme: The top panel shows a woman with the label “me”, sitting on a couch in front of low a table filled with food, looking pleasantly surprised at a bottle of soda labeled “stockphoto memes”. In the bottom panel the woman is happily drinking the “stockphoto memes” soda.
Before someone asks why there isn’t insane inflation from banks printing an infinite amount of money for themselves, the Hong Kong dollar is pegged to the US dollar. In order to be allowed to print HKD, banks must have an equivalent amount of USD on deposit.