Thanks! Its a bop. Love finding out where spoken word samples come from, my favorite is Kendrick Lamar sampling a Cowboy fan, “It was one of the worst performances I’ve seen in my life, I couldn’t sleep last night cause i felt that shit”
This is my favorite character introduction in television. Everything before this moment you think he’s some eccentric asshole and going to just chew out the staff.
Well, for what it’s worth, we’re happy you’re here, not just as the topic of discourse, but as a contributing member too. I just hope we can hold onto the sense of community that gets lost in the wash when a user base hits that certain threshold. The last few months I spent on Reddit were kind of awful, even before the blackout, to the point that I started physically feeling way better after I nuked my old account.
Honestly I’m kind of hoping the ability to disassociate from instances is the secret sauce. I feel like the Beehaw admins have been doing a good job decoupling from federations that get a bit too ick - I certainly see way less negativity here than there.
Maybe her third thumb is just a little slender. If I position my hand like that, I can almost reach. I don’t think hands with those proportions would be impossible. It’s probably a little wonky genetically, being her third arm and all.