It does, I used to do that sometimes by finding a window where the sun was shining direct, and just stretching out there in the nude. My current apartment doesn’t get direct sun like that.
Well, you saved yourself some childhood trauma. Still a fun watch, but as an adult, you may want to “enhance” your experience by whichever preferred means.
What? We loved watching the movie as kids and for me it was a beautiful fairytale with some action. I never thought it was scary or anything.
Might be because in Germany fables tend to be on the more drastic side. I still think it’s a great kids movie, on a similar level as The Last Unicorn or The Labyrinth for example.
The skeksis using the crystal on the gelflings was kinda fucked up. That being said, it’s nowhere near as messed up as Return to Oz. Mombi and the Wheelers.
Possibly controversial opinion, but experiencing and processing fear, loss, sorrow, and other difficult feelings is a vital part of growing up. Obviously we should be doing everything in our power to prevent kids from experiencing actual trauma, but introducing them to things which are inherently safe but might take some time to process and reconcile (such as a kid’s/family movie with some challenging scenes) is a good thing, of course within reason and while being respectful of their autonomy and consent
I think everyone owes it to themselves to experience it. One of my best friends waited until a couple years ago to finally see it. She was terrified, but still thinks Fizzgig is one of the most adorable things ever. Which he is. How can you not love this face?
Thanks! Its a bop. Love finding out where spoken word samples come from, my favorite is Kendrick Lamar sampling a Cowboy fan, “It was one of the worst performances I’ve seen in my life, I couldn’t sleep last night cause i felt that shit”