InLikeClint, to upliftingnews in Giant kites could pull ships across the ocean – and slash their carbon emissions avatar

I'm not crazy right? That's what sails are.


“What differentiates it from other wind solutions,” says Bernatets, “is that the wing is not just pulled by the wind and countered by the ship.” Instead, it flies in figure-of-eight loops, which multiply the pulling effect of the airflow to give what he calls “crazy power.”

“Plus, we fetch the wind 300 meters above the sea surface, where it’s 50% more powerful,” adds Bernatets. The combination “explains why the power is tremendous for a system that is very compact, simple on the bow of the ship, and can be retrofitted on any ship, not just new ships,” he says.


You can as well buy what you describe for your home / industrial plant

kitepower website


Does “crazy power” provide “ludicrous speed”?


No, in fact they’ve been engineered to make sure that doesn’t happen. If you go to plaid way out on the ocean, it’s a horrific mess to clean up.


But this one’s really big


It goes to eleven (knots).


Are the kites potentially a next level of efficiency for sail? Not in an overall sense, but as a supplement and in the sense that you can still design boats for maximum hauling.

Gotta wonder how much a kite would add in terms of lowering the fuel usage really though, doesn’t seem like it would make much of dent. Nor are the ships designed to take that weird force angle presumably


Also the kite in the photo would only be able to pull the ship as fast as the wind speed. The idea behind a proper sail is that you can go faster than the wind speed if it comes at you sideways.

KairuByte, avatar

This isn’t accurate. The kite is typically moving in the air, generating drag. This can easily surpass wind speed. You see the same effect in kiteboarding (both water and land varieties.)


Interesting. Thanks for the correction!


Gotta wonder how much a kite would add in terms of lowering the fuel usage really though, doesn’t seem like it would make much of dent.

The article says 20%. It’s even included in the excerpt copied to this thread…


Ships designs are good for a variety of strains - they’re built to get tossed around in storms after all.

Also about the sails comparison - I think the kites are retractable and redeployable, ending up with a variable, lower ship profile.

Water also has super high drag forces - it sounds efficient to counteract the constant water drag using constant air drag instead of constantly burning fuel.

bfg9k, avatar

Reject engine

Return to Wind


Cargo ship with sails are also being developed and built.

The difference I imagine is that be a kite can be retrofitted into an existing ship. Or on a new ship without too many modifications.

holycrap, to upliftingnews in Giant kites could pull ships across the ocean – and slash their carbon emissions

Ships powered by wind? It’ll never work.


blow me! they must be tacking crazy.


Next thing they’ll claim that the wind can be used to generate electricity. Stupid climate terrorists.

IntergalacticZombie, to mildlyinteresting in Kit Kat’s coolest flavors aren’t sold in the US. Here’s why

Just popping by to say “Fuck Nestlé!”… That is all.

TruTollTroll, avatar

Obligatory FUCK NESTLE

Potatos_are_not_friends, to upliftingnews in Supreme Court blocks $6 billion opioid settlement that would have given the Sackler family immunity | CNN Politics

The Supreme Court on Thursday blocked Purdue Pharma from going forward with bankruptcy proceedings, which the Biden administration has called an “unprecedented” arrangement that would ultimately offer the Sackler family broad protection from opioid-related civil claims.

The case arose after the reorganization in bankruptcy of OxyContin manufacturer Purdue Pharma – stemming from litigation arising from claims over its role in fueling the opioid addiction crisis.

Until recently, Purdue was controlled by the Sackler family, who withdrew billions of dollars from the company before it filed for bankruptcy.

They’re so beyond the “Eat the Rich” side of things. They’ve committed so much evil and blood on their hands

fische_stix, to mildlyinteresting in Gay Water, a vodka soda that's a response to the Bud Light transphobia

I like the idea. As a straight guy who drinks vodka and soda/tonic I get told my drink is gay from time to time. Now nobody will feel the need to inform me since it’s printed right on the can.


This comment made me laugh out aloud at home.


They’ll still point it out to you.

My husband gets told there are pronouns on his badge all the time, as if he didn’t know they were there.

Tolookah, to mildlyinteresting in Kit Kat’s coolest flavors aren’t sold in the US. Here’s why

Neat info, but Nestlé still sucks.


Like, I was mildly interested, until I was very disgusted.

Introversion, to upliftingnews in Supreme Court blocks $6 billion opioid settlement that would have given the Sackler family immunity | CNN Politics

Sounds like the Sacklers forgot to buy some vacations for SC justices.


There's still time, the SC blocked it so they could consider the case, not because they actually have a problem with it.

MisterChief, to upliftingnews in Abandoned golf courses are being reclaimed by nature

My local muni used to have 3 courses. They closed 1 in 2019 and have left it open to the public as a park with no maintenance going into the greens. There are 5 miles of cart paths, now trails, and it connects to an adjacent park with an additional 2 miles of trails. The golf course is barely recognizable and it has been really cool to see it slowly getting reclaimed by nature. There are a significantly larger amount of birds, small mammals, and deer seen there than even just two years ago. I rarely take pictures there but here are a couple that do a decent job at showing how little it looks like a golf course anymore. Both pictures were taken this year.

cedarmesa, avatar


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  • UltraMagnus0001,

    bees don’t like grass


    Go throw some wild flower seed on there then. Just shitting on what other people like is a dumb way to go through internet comments.

    ConditionOverload, to upliftingnews in Giant kites could pull ships across the ocean – and slash their carbon emissions avatar

    And horses could be used to pull platforms on 4 giant wooden wheels, that could cut carbon emissions too!

    M0oP0o, avatar

    But drastically increase plop emissions


    Interestingly, cars were seen as cleaner due to the lack of street poop.

    Something Something full circle

    M0oP0o, avatar

    The joke is people forget how bad and messy horse powered transportation was, not saying gas is great but not “oh god the shit” levels.…/Great-Horse-Manure-Crisis-of-18… <a href=""></a>


    i've no useful comment to add, but for those who don't click

    Horse carcasses therefore also had to be removed from the streets. The bodies were often left to putrefy so the corpses could be more easily sawn into pieces for removal.


    Cities must've been... fragrant places, for a lot of history.


    Give it 50 years - we will be shocked we used to walk around in streets with 100s of 1000 of little gas burning engines coming past us.


    I don’t understand what you’re trying to say - yes, you’re right, but it sounds like you’re trying to say that the kites on ships is not a good idea.

    M0oP0o, avatar

    I think it was a joke about the silly reidea, but not sure where you got the take that it was a bad idea.

    JimmyChanga, to upliftingnews in Delta passenger's dog who went missing at Atlanta airport found safe after 3 weeks

    That poor wee dude. I’d be fuckng livid of that was my dog


    Did you read the article? The dog was lost because it escaped from its cage and roamed loose in the airport, evading capture.


    “He said that she was being transported (to the plane) on the runway, and staff had opened her kennel, and she had escaped into the middle of the runway,”

    I’m pretty sure that falls under incompetence.


    Yeah, i did. Their incompetence lost the dog. It didn’t escape.


    Hi, yes, quick question:

    Can you not both be right?


    I mean, owner can be livid, technically not lost, and incompetent staff are all correct.

    Pogogunner, avatar

    Did you read the article?

    mouth_brood, to mildlyinteresting in Kit Kat’s coolest flavors aren’t sold in the US. Here’s why

    Fuck Nestle.

    Yepthatsme, to upliftingnews in Supreme Court blocks $6 billion opioid settlement that would have given the Sackler family immunity | CNN Politics

    They need to be held criminally accountable. Heads need to roll on this one.


    Given the amount of time that the justices spend holidaying with billionaires what’s the bet that they side with their mates?

    Wirrvogel, to upliftingnews in Supreme Court blocks $6 billion opioid settlement that would have given the Sackler family immunity | CNN Politics

    Just for a comparison:

    Fatal opioid overdoses and opioid use disorder cost the United States $1.02 trillion in 2017. The most complete accounting to date of America’s opioid crisis was released by CDC in the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence. Costs for spending on health care, opioid use disorder treatment, criminal justice, and lost work productivity, as well as estimates of cost for lost quality of life and lives lost were computed in this study.

    And they have the audacity to say how much these $6 billion will help and how dare to delay that help. That’s less than a drop in the ocean.

    Mr_Blott, (edited )

    Devil’s advocate -

    Cost the United States $1.02 trillion

    *Has been valued at $1.02 trillion by medical companies but is probably about $4 million to be fair 😂

    Edit - please see below for an visual example of how difficult Americans find sarcasm


    They probably account for how much people would have added to the GDP without their premature deaths.


    Rehab costs about $30k for 28 days. As if the hundreds of thousands of deaths and overdoses per year weren’t enough. Suboxone is $700+ per month just for the pills, not including seeing the doctor monthly and random drug tests. Methadone’s not cheap either. Then there’s secondary health issues like sepsis, MRSA, HIV, hepatitis, heart problems, pregnancy issues, withdrawal, DUI injuries/deaths etc.

    The list goes on and on and on and on. I wouldn’t be surprised if a trillion barely covered it.


    I think that’s the thing that got me - the spokesperson’s response. “They are withholding help…” like yeah from the damage that your company (and the family who ran it) inflicted and is trying to escape any actual responsibility from.

    I hope that they reverse the immunity. I don’t hold much hope from this court but I can light a candle for this one.

    zepheriths, to upliftingnews in Giant kites could pull ships across the ocean – and slash their carbon emissions

    A sailboat? My guy that’s a sailboat


    Reminds me of an idea to use diesel engine to extend Tesla’s range.


    On the other hand, hybrid cars are designed to work like this. They are more economical than regular fuel-powered cars. Those cars are not designed to be eco-friendly, but more like eco-friendlier lol.


    It’s not. It’s much closer to kite surfing. Most importantly you don’t need a keel for a kite and it also takes up way less space when not in use.

    UserDoesNotExist, (edited ) to mildlyinteresting in Gay Water, a vodka soda that's a response to the Bud Light transphobia

    Why does food and consumables suddenly have to become political?

    When will my Steak have Trumps Face printed on it? Do my cornflakes need some jets and other kind of political messages on it? Fuck no.

    I just want to eat and drink. And the only thing I need to know from the packaging is what the product is about. Just stop making food political, what the hell is wrong with this world.

    Some stupid print on the package is not going to fix this world in any way.

    There is no driver of division to rival missionary behaviour.


    Its pretty recent that normal companies havs become explicitly poltical, because if they don’t partipate, they’re seen as part of the problem.


    Yea. And by doing so they just reinforce the problematics. People just need to stop with missionary behaviour. On both sides.


    It’s simply on there because they think it will sell more product


    “If it is stupid but it works, it isn’t stupid.” - Mercedes Lackey

    These companies do it to sell product, not because they actually do or don’t believe in some political agenda. If it works to sell more product, then they are going to do it regardless of how repulsive some niche group in a far corner of the internet finds it.


    Blame Republicans. They got upset bud light sent a personalized can or two to someone. At least with democrats and liberals when they say boycot someone it's for a good reason. Like fuck nestle.


    Couldn’t have said it better.


    I don’t really think this is fundamentally different from how it’s always been. Food and drink has always had branding, and I don’t see how gay water is truly that much different from any other branding. The only difference I see is that republicans won’t stop complaining about it


    How would you react if someone prints Jesus Christ, hanging on the cross with bloody hands and feet onto your favourite beer. With a face of pure agony and some letters addressing charity?

    Or how would you react if some company prints advertisement of Scientology onto their products.

    The only thing that belongs onto a product is something to identify the brand, the expiry date, and what it actually contains.

    CeruleanRuin, avatar

    I’d probably just buy a different beer and get on with my life. So long as they’re not using their product to actively promote bigotry in society, there’s no reason for me to care.

    wildeaboutoskar, avatar

    How would you react if someone prints Jesus Christ, hanging on the cross with bloody hands and feet onto your favourite beer. With a face of pure agony and some letters addressing charity?

    That sounds quite metal tbh for beer. I would give it a go.




    Being gay isn’t political…


    There are two sexualities: straight and political.


    How do you figure that? Do you say the same about races too or?


    It’s a joke.


    It is when one political party wants to genocide trans people and send gay people to reeducation camps.


    Homophobia is political, yes.


    The political right wing in the United States has been organised around a politics of scapegoating minorities for seventy years or more; there’s a point at which the two major parties switched their wing orientations in the 1960’s, but the same core principles have been the backbone of the right wing in the US for its entire existence:

    • A “Natural” Hierarchy;
    • A perpetual representation of their supposed victimhood;
    • An appeal to Law and Order to redress the supposed grievance;
    • An induction of sexual anxiety.

    In years past, these were enacted on ethnic minorities; specially and primarily at African-Americans.

    Today, a politics of Othering, scapegoating, and persecuting ethnic minorities is no longer politically viable, because society has moved its perception to the point that we now understand that persecution of individuals or groups based on ethnicity is not just hostile, rude, and immoral, but also criminal and outright wrong.

    So to maintain their political power & influence, they’ve taken that playbook and turned it to the next page,

    • A moral panic of Sodom and Gomorrah.

    It should be noted that none of this is new; it’s been in development for decades, and was aimed at lesbians and gay men in the 1970’s and especially during the AIDS crisis of the 1980’s.

    But the bigots feel they can get a wedge in to society and the law by aiming their bigoted behaviour and rhetoric at transgender people.

    Full disclosure: I am transgender, and have spent the last five years documenting and fighting hatred on Reddit. I have an anti-hatred bias. If that disqualifies my answer as not being “unbiased”, then …

    jennwiththesea, avatar

    Yes, thank you. Really surprised to see only one comment saying this.


    It shouldn’t be.

    Unfortunately everyone is trying to make it political which just restricts gay ppl and damages politics in a brand new.

    If being gay was just a trait again, we could skip a lot of this circus. But until then, honk honk.

    CeruleanRuin, avatar

    The people “trying to make it political” are the ones who want it to go away - ie, the bigots, who somehow always seem to be on the right wing. Everyone else has to push back because failing to do so means bending to the will of the bigots.

    If you want it to stop being political, your energy should be directed against conservatives who keep trying to put people into arbitrary boxes and keep them there.


    Trump BurgerYou cannot escape


    This is just disturbing. It’s almost as weird as Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop products.


    When will my Steak have Trumps Face printed on it?

    Like 15 years ago.


    (ㆆ _ ㆆ) why am I not surprised…


    The real question is whether they came with free ketchup or not.

    Never mind. I just used the word "free" with respect to Trump. That definitely never happened.


    If 5 letters fit on the package, Trump has probably tried to sell it.


    The only reason you know this exists is because you’re on social media reading about it. You’d probably never see this in a store, and if you did it’d be one whole six-pack next to the hundreds of others brands.

    I think you may be overreacting, but who knows maybe Gay Water is the next Coca-Cola.

    These kinds of products are made pretty much only for pictures to be posted on social media, so if it bothers you maybe don’t browse as much idk

    CeruleanRuin, avatar

    Must be nice to not have to worry about representation.


    What for do you need representation? I don’t need it. I don’t even know what should or could represent me.

    I don’t identify with anything. I am just my self as I am. What use would it have to identify with something? None.

    It’s purely corporations trying to make capital gains off cultural phenomena (useless currents that will fizzle out just to get replaced with the next trend - LGB was followed by LGBT and was followed by LGBTQIA+++, it’s the endless progression of a subculture, something big corporation can milk like Star Wars or any other brandable shit), it’s like some Christian dumbass buying a beer because some tortured guy is printed on it.

    It has become so laughable nowadays, that Id imagine only some “woke” boomers would fall for it. But nope. Tons of stupid people from all age groups are celebrating their own belief of being rebellious and innovative, or shall I say the belief to improve the world. And big corporations love it. They love the drama and the attention they can generate with the trend hunters.

    CeruleanRuin, avatar

    Your privilege is showing, mate! Tuck that shit in, nobody wants to see that.

    Piecemakers3Dprints, avatar

    Don’t encourage the cishet white ignoramus. You’ll lose a shoe wading through that shit.

    wildeaboutoskar, avatar

    Food and drink are incredibly political in general, this is just one aspect of it.

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