I guarantee if they could they would (i.imgur.com)
Kinda morbidly fascinating to see Google devolve into a horrible bucket of shit
Steam Deck killers be like (i.imgur.com)
wtf is this? (i.imgur.com)
I can hardly wait (i.imgur.com)
Shut up and heal my pokemon! (i.imgur.com)
Every time I see a map (i.imgur.com)
The moment of clarity (i.imgur.com)
When I was a kid my Dad made a magnet charger with some electrified copper coils would this be something that could be used to achieve similar results somehow? TIA (i.imgur.com)
What’s the point of unpopular opinions if you can’t show them off (i.imgur.com)
But first they would need to invent some tape (i.imgur.com)
They could have fitted the whole ring / tape / mouse assembly into a small paper bag Aragorn could have kept it in his jacket and fed it little bits of lembas on the way how lovely x
Dwayne the Based Johnson (i.imgur.com)
Bloody brilliant mate (i.imgur.com)
I’m somewhat of an expert myself (i.imgur.com)
I’d die for her (i.imgur.com)
Based on a true story (i.imgur.com)
Bad screen bad (i.imgur.com)
Whomst? (i.imgur.com)
Bright Future In sight (i.imgur.com)
Really makes you wonder... (i.imgur.com)
A seemingly simple wish (i.imgur.com)
I was the hipster of Meghan hate (i.imgur.com)
At a certain point they've got to start asking questions, right? (i.imgur.com)
I’m actually something of a dumbo chungus myself (i.imgur.com)
Bong is one of the funniest words in English and you can’t change my mind