The agony of indecision (
I don’t watch shows anymore I just watch serpadesign feed his frogs on YouTube x
The Civilization series is a hell of a drug (
San Francisco flag in the fog. (
I took this on my Pixel 7 Pro this past Saturday. My first visit to San Francisco. Don’t know name of the building.
Lying to yourself isn’t really lying is it? (
Which one do you prefer? (
9/11 fashion emergency (
10 September 2023 (
10 September 1986 (
Murdoch never saw it coming (
im currently looking for backup software that supports tape drives. this is not looking too good :_I (
Best friend forever (
Never to old to be part of the crew (
It’ll buff right out (
Screen cap shamelessly stolen from the delightful @nocontexttrek
Steal from the poor, give to the rich (
Beware... 😅 (
My 48yr old unopened bottle of beer. (Circa 1975) (
I saw the String cheese post so I thought I’d share my own “slightly beyond best before date” consumable. I used to have two of them that I had found in my attic under some insulation, but the other one froze in my garage and broke open. (No, it did NOT smell pleasant. I’m pretty sure whatever vile liquid is in that...
Hahahahaha... (
Coming of Age (
When I was a kid my Dad made a magnet charger with some electrified copper coils would this be something that could be used to achieve similar results somehow? TIA (
StEvEN cROWdER doES Not dESERvE a MEME foRmat (
CHaNGE my miNd