Help with DVD problem, please.
I got a DVD, never used with cellophane intact, produced in 1993 on ebay. I thought maybe, since I didn’t get a DRM warning, it predated DRM, and I could just copy it to my hard drive, so I did. Both the copy and the DVD are now corrupted and unplayable. I want to fix the DVD then rip it to my hard drive. Googling gives plenty...
What dock do you use in Wayland?
I moved over to Wayland full time a couple of weeks ago (using KDE on Arch). I have finally rid myself of any X11 hangups apart from one. Latte will NOT respect my primary screen when changing monitor arrangement (ie. turning my projector on and off) and seems to randomly pick a screen to call the primary....
Any experience with teaching kids Linux?
Any one here has any experience with teaching 8 to 12 years old kids Linux?
Do you know of any obscure useful websites?
SEO has essentially destroyed search engines, what are some very useful websites that you might not get given by Google?
How do you discover unused GPIO on the hardware abstraction layer?
In have a router on OpenWRT with an undocumented button I want to find. It is a MT7621 in a BGA so I can’t trace the hardware and rework is no go. It has the breed bootloader but it’s all in Chinese. Llama2 70B says to use but I don’t see how that can really detect a change state on an...
They still don't suspect anything
What is the most terryifying siren noise?
There’s an emergency at the Facility down the road, and everyone in a six-mile radius is very likely fucked....
Privacy benefits of Custom roms
So recently my moto G60 reached the end of life with respect to security updates. That was the reason I was using to prevent myself from switching to a custom rom(actual reason is laziness). This phone has rom support for pixel experience and lineage OS. So my questions are if pixel experience has any privacy advantages when...
Creedence sucks

What're you getting your dad for the holidays?
Question about ram usage in Unraid
I am about to setup Unraid for the first time, have got the USB and Lisence ready, but watching a bunch of videoes before I dip my feet in. I read and heard that Unraid runs only on the ram, which brings me to the question: My server only has 16GB of ram, whilst my desktop has 48GB of ram, so should I transfer some of my...
Can I mod my Thinkpad Keyboard to work in another laptop?
I have a Clevo NV41MZ, which is sold by Novacustom and they, together with 3mdeb develop Coreboot for the Clevo Laptops....
Komes Raspberry Porter
I found this at my local Total Wine while browsing the shelves. Not much of a detailed review here but I thought it was really good! I was curious about the chili peppers but it’s hardly noticeable at all....
Ipod problems
Hey Linux community. I have an ipod and I’m trying to put music on it. Itunes simply will not run and it won’t recognise stuff I put on it through files. Is there any thing I can try/use? Information: Linux type: Linux Mint Cinnamon Ipod type: 1.1.2 PC, Ipod Nano, 7th Gen
Onions are a violation of the terms of service.
What is something you're certain you would never do, yet find yourself dreaming about?
Legal definitions aside- what milestone made you think, "I'm an adult now."?
What's a seemingly harmless habit of yours that you struggle to break?
Laptop not working after installing nimdow
I have installed nimdow window manager. I have auto-login enabled. Nimdow is the default option. The only options I have at boot are (from the bootloader): default, timeout, edit, resolution, print and help (help is not working). How am I supposed to go back to GNOME or disable auto-login? I tried accessing the recovery shell,...
Celeb scenes?
Is anyone producing movie/tv cuts of celeb nude scenes? If so, where would one go to subscribe to them? If not, would that even be welcomed on a tracker?
Add YOUR city to the Gnome weather app [Solved]
cross-posted from: !linux |
Two games free on Epic Games - Jitsu Squad and Mighty Fight Federation
Jitsu Squad...
ok, i give up. cmon, ur mom is going to be back soon.

details-summary HTML tags treated as literals (~~BUG or~~ SUE)
I have noticed that some posts on some Lemmy instances created by others have successfully made use of the details/summary tags which gives an arrow that expands....