[REPOST] Customer had a "reservation" for the 4th floor at a 3-storey hotel so I took her to the roof
[REPOST] I used to be an assistant golf course superintendent. One day my boss had me spraying chemicals on the fairways....
I’ve tried to create a few BORU-style posts, but the fact that Lemmy has a 10k character limit to posts is proving limiting....
Prior to the internet condensing into just 5 or so websites, what do you remember fondling about being online?...
It really whips the llama’s ass. Post says it all. Foreveralone. Take my upvote. Are we in post-social media yet or what?
Hello y’all!...
Are there any self hosted photo library solutions that support using S3-compatible storage?
So I am looking to get precense detection in my living room. I think I want mmwave as I do want to detect people that are sitting on the couch for example. And I saw most don’t have a large distance and angle as my living room/kitchen is 8m by 12m(in an L shape) so most with a 4-6m detection distance are not enough. Also...
I am learning some bash scripting....
Are there any good recommendations for water control valves? I want to control a automatic watering system and need something to attach to the garden tap. Open firmware would be a bonus.
Hi guys, tbt I own a Motorola G71 and I’m looking for degoogle it. It’s there any way? Tried the recommended options of universal debloater and didn’t work, get tons of signs of error in the phone
I saw this music video years ago where it starts with a very zoomed out drone shot of this island, and as it zooms in on the island, you see a lake, with another island in it, that has a lake on it, with another island, another lake, then ANOTHER island, eventually zooming in on this guys mansion where he is rapping the song. I...
Started wearing glasses full-time a few months ago and I usually take them off during my lunch break because, well I’m mainly looking at my sandwich and I’ve been told it’s good to let your eyes ‘relax’ as such....
As the title says, the post images are always square and because of that non-aspect-ratio-respecting scaling a lot of images are stretched....
Fellow Fedora Immutable users, have any of you automated your system updates to occur at shutdown? If so, do you find it makes a practical difference?...
I am creating a community that would be text only and not sure how to go about changing this setting.
Hi there - I’m trying to make use of flatpaks, but keeping them isolated from my host (as I need to experiment with a bunch of settings and I don’t want to bork my host environment. Again.)...
Mostly bollywood OST and arabic If possible lossless.
I have a home server with tech illiterate users (Tailscale/VPN won’t be a solution for them), and I’ve been setting up a little blog to keep them updated about content and status. I had an idea of setting up a server status page that displayed the running state of various docker containers so they could easily see if...
I want to set up a RSS feed for me to subscribe to some websites. I am a newbie and never used RSS before. I found Raven Reader, which is open source. But I don’t know of it’s trustworthy, too....
Is there any story or reason behind the name? Or is it just simply a random choice of word? Does it mean anything outside being a hat haha....
So with the recent tachiyomi issues and the migration to Mihon I’m nervous of their list of repos as they’re all APKs I’m wondering if anyone knows of any that are definitely legit and from the originals that were self hosted?
Does anyone here use CorelDRAW Graphics Suite and have version 2023? I would really like safe sources to download pirated versions....