It has finally happened. HWID activation for Windows 10/11 has been patched by Microsoft after 6 years.
Time of death: 4:22 PM UTC September 26th...
Time of death: 4:22 PM UTC September 26th...
Let’s say I decide to go to a nice restaurant for a meal. The dish comes out, and I ask for a salt shaker before I even taste it (I never have, btw). That is normally considered an insult to the chef or you are pegged as a neanderthal diner....
I am powering a 5V microcontroller (arduino clone, atmega328p) using a 9V block and a buck converter. Now I want to let the microcontroller occasionally measure the battery voltage, so I can get an idea of how full it is....
I would like to follow other positive news groups on other servers. Is there any chance someone could do what this person suggested? “solarbird Something I do running a small instance is have a Librarian account which follows large numbers of people for the purposes of discovery. We have under 20 users but our Federation feed...
This is a repost. I am not the original author (see disclaimer at the bottom)....
This is a repost. I am not the original author (see disclaimer at the bottom)....
There’s still some subreddits I’d like to view as their communities haven’t swapped over yet. Like you guys, I obviously don’t want to support Reddit in any way shape or form. Surprisingly, they have not gutted RSS feeds yet. Simply add .rss at the end of the domain. Example...
For me it was Roots Search (1986)
Used to love playing cod zombies with my brother when I was younger, thinking of picking it up again...
I liked going to there sub once in a while. Can someone with a Reddit account message the mods and see if they can get some content over here?
For those of us that don’t want to become admins or mods....
I’d like a place where warranties aren’t a factor when discussing BIFL items. I know that some feel otherwise but for me the appeal of BIFL is NOT frugality (though it often overlaps) but rather in owning high quality, long lasting, repairable items. It also has an aspect of sustainability as I hope to only buy one of...
Seeing a big “politics” community in both and just confuses me as to which I should be subscribing to and I don’t really want to subscribe to both....
Influx of Lemmy brothers and sisters incoming. Already 3K and growing deep, we may as well rebuild together. Let’s do this! 🤝...
who else thinks this is a good idea just wondering like i know their is parts on there for ai but they are just there its not been sorted properly for the megathread like i would love to see an AI section that is dedicated to the uncensored cracked or otherwise pirated AI stuff that would be pretty cool anyone else think this...
Title is pretty much it. Woke up this morning to an email in the inbox with a reddit message notification from u/reddit...
I imagine with the expected influx of new users on the 1st a lot of the questions that have been asked here will be asked again....
Here's a shorter story of malicious compliance, again from when I was working front desk at a value/budget motel....
Almost 15 years ago. Not my MC, but I worked at the same company for several years leading into it. None of the glory is mine, and I am not any of the named or fired characters in this story....
Especially interested in help from anyone who has experience modding, but all are welcome.
[REPOST] Years ago, I was the CTO of a software company that was perhaps the worst run company I've ever seen. It was run by a "chairman" who used to be a flight engineer, and who had no experience at all in the software industry. One day, in his expansive wisdom, Mr. Chairman decided that we were going to give his friend (a...
I, being someone who works with computers, have had some luck with most of my favorite subs being here already....
Excuse my ignorance im just curious.
Hey all, I think it’s unfair for me to be the only moderator (plus the admins!)....