How do you link to a reddit page without actually sending people to Reddit?
I can't find an example post now, but I have seen people link to Reddit and it takes them to a wrapper or something
I can't find an example post now, but I have seen people link to Reddit and it takes them to a wrapper or something
PayPal doesn’t require you to enter a credit card to create an account in these countries. You can then add the PayPal account as a payment method to the site.
I’ll go first You can do it alone but you’ll run into problems. Others that have been through it have solved those problems. Ask around if you recognize a problem and you’ll most likely receive the best solution
As per the title. I’m obviously an old Bustard. Somebody please explain Rule to me.
I'm not seeing any ads, and these servers certainly have a cost.... So is this place entirely donation based, or what?
When I was a kid, it'd have to be Memorial Day. All the extended family would convene at the old family cemetery to decorate the graves. That isn't the weird thing... the weird thing was we treated it as a family reunion and picnicked together among the head stones.
Right to the point: On a BPI-R3, should connecting the UART debug pins directly to the appropriate pins on a DB9 USB serial adapter (rx->tx, tx->rx, gnd->gnd) work? Because I’m just getting a garbled mess in my serial console. I’ve tried all different baud rates. I’m using a high quality serial adapter (Keyspan Tripp...
Tell the best experience or interaction you had on Reddit, and the worst one....
I've read some things online about it all but I'm not a total IT boff. Is it really true that Brave browser won't be able to block ads once the changes are made next year?...
With spez ascending the last few remaining levels of becoming an absolute wanker, it's about time I got more active and I have been wondering how should I be using Lemmy efficiently? Like many I migrated from Reddit and I was primarly using Apollo to browse through my subscribed subreddits....
The recent post on using a lamp in series to limit potential fault currents has had me thinking about using them as above. Has anyone done this? I can see advantages, cost for one - wirewound resistors can be expensive. Visual indication of a varying load. Make it "short-circuit proof"..
Is there a way to make a link to a community of a foreign instance that opens on the instance of the user that clicks on it?...
I’ll start: pesto as a bagel topping.
Everything is in the title
So i have a problem with almost constatly being bored also ima young adult so boredom is kinda common around this time. you might be shocked but i cant drive yet becasue im not intersted also im super afraid to drive. i spend most my time indoors becasue it shot outside and scary (thats the dessert for ya). i usally watch...
Her phone is having two issues:...
Only heard of it recently is it another federated platform like Lemmy or pixelfed?
If I just had high caffeine tolerance I’d guess it’s either because of fast caffeine metabolism or my ADHD. Sometimes a regular cup of coffee is more than enough to wake me up and improve my ability to concentrate and sometimes not even a 4x Espresso is enough, with no discernible reason why. I have tried drinking coffee on...
I mean what comes after the @. I'm tired of seeing a bunch of lame porn from @lemmynsfw
Right now it defaults to "Local Posts" when loading Lemmy web page, is it somehow possible to set it to by default show "Subscribed Posts"?
I found SiLENTGATE releases on xREL. Does anyone know who some other German scene groups are?
The other person will see “call failed” instead of “call ended”, which gives you plausible deniability.