Fuck Nestle (lemmy.ml)

I added more ventalation and isolated the hard drive vibrations sence I took this picture. I need to upgrade the hard drives too. Filled up the (stand in) 500G drive pretty fast.
All other posts in other subreddits by me are also got removed.Voidlinux does not have a forum apart from this www.reddit.com/r/voidlinux/. So I thought It wought be nice to have an alternative.
I sliced bananas and rolled them in a mixture of cinnamon, honey and vanilla sugar. Then I roasted them in a pan for some time. After that, I put ice cream and liquorice bits. Now this is a good dessert!
Made a post about Lemmy to /r/lounge, which is exclusive to members with Reddit Premium. I got a weeks worth after getting Reddit gold!