The more PhDs I know and the closer I am to grad school, the more it feels like getting a PhD is about being stubborn than it is about being smarter than everyone in the room.
In my experience it’s being stubborn or possessing a robust resiliency to mental health damage. Being smart, or better yet from a family that is wealthy enough to support you just makes everything a fair bit easier.
Also, making friends with your advisors doesn’t hurt either.
At my last job I was bored so I wrote sql server functions to perform standard math operations on varchar(max) and used them to build factorial tables which I then used to iteratively calculate pi. I think I got up to around 100 digits before I got yelled at for bogging down the server and had to stop.
There’s a 9 repeating 6 times in there which I’d think is a pretty rare occurrence in pi. I wonder what the longest occurrence of a repeating digit is.
Looked it up, and it’s apparently called the Feynman point after Physicist Richard Feynman (though the story behind that attribution is disputed).
That’s fascinating. Obviously, there’s a series of repeating numbers in there, and one of the numbers would have a highest number of repeats… until further places of pi are determined and another number knocks it off… I assume there’s a repeating 1, or 2 that repeats 7 or 8 times,etc… at some point…
At work at the moment so can’t go deep into it. But I think you misunderstand what non repeating numbers mean. Of course there are repeating numbers within pi which is fine, the issue would be if ALL the digits were to simply cycle over and repeat themselves. If however there are a few trillion digits then a series of 1’s and 0’s for ever, pi is still non repeating
I did read it, I also wrote it. Wasn’t trying to put you down or anything just sharing a bit of knowledge I found interesting. I know many people (my self included at one point) assumed pi would have to include everything when that just isn’t true. Apologies if I did a bad job explaining it though
On a long enough string I’m guessing… Infinite? Pi isn’t a pattern so does it follow the same “if monkeys hade an infinite amount of time to type at a typewriter they’d type Shakespeare”
Well I thought that at first, but it has to be less than infinite since other numbers have to repeat in there as well with at least some occurrence so it’s infinite minus something, but since pi goes on infinitely, it’s obviously some high number…
Memory Masters destroying the last of their childhood memories so they can add another 80,000 digits of pi to their mind palace.
contextMemory Mastery is a technique where you force your brain to remember random information by formatting it in a certain way, some people have gone on to use this trick to memorize millions of digits of pi. A study recently came out confirming that every time you make a new memory it destroys an old one, so every time someone makes a “memory palace” it comes at the cost of older memories, such as in childhood.
A study recently came out confirming that every time you make a new memory it destroys an old one
If that was true, babies would forget their first memory every time they remember their second memory. There’s no way it’s true. It might be partly true, but it can’t be completely true.
Well the way memory works is that it allocates certain clusters of neurons to storing information. When you’re young there’s a lot of blank space that you can store stuff in but as you get older you start having to pick and choose as more and more brain space gets taken up.
Here’s a cool video on the subject: Fun fact: because of how memories are formed in chains you can tell if you’re on the precipice of forgetting something if you try to recall it and you start trailing into another memory. You can experience this for yourself by trying to recall the beat of an old song and note when it starts morphing into the beat of a newer song. It’s also worth noting that every time you recall a memory you destroy the original and rewrite it, bringing it back to the top. That little asshole is like 90% of the reason why our memories suck so much shit and are so prone to outside manipulation.
The worst? I stopped to do research after my PhD and now, I forgot everything. Dumb as a rock AND without any useful knowledge of my very peculiar subject.
No no no. The error compounds every time you math so if you math a lot at 40 digits you might end up with like 30 digits of correct precision. Totally unacceptable. Literally unplayable.