Kalkaline, to news in Greenland startup begins shipping glacier ice to cocktail bars in the UAE avatar

That’s dumb, just drink your cocktail with normal ice, or use RO water if you really can taste the mineral content.


There are specialty companies in New York City that supply cocktail ice, but the ice is designed with a good flavor profile and is completely clear.


And this is something that actually makes sense.

library_napper, avatar

RO water would be the opposite of what you’d want if you want all the non-water things in your ice

Kalkaline, (edited ) avatar

The claim here from the summary is that the water is more pure than the mineral water. You could also just do distilled water and customize the mineral content with additions like brewers and sparkling water makers do. I just don’t see how it would be cost effective to ship thousands of pounds of glacier ice vs freezing as needed. You could even make a pressurized freezer and probably achieve the same effect.

This business is built on people with more money than sense.

library_napper, avatar

It’s not cost effective nor is it pure. Both mineral water and glacier water are far from pure water. People want them because they’re not pure, in a chemical sense.

Kalkaline, avatar

That’s just some hocus pocus bullshit marketing. No one would be able to pass a blind taste test on these because the alcohol would overwhelm their taste buds.

Again, more money than sense.

library_napper, avatar

Yes but without the alcohol I’m sure you’d taste a difference between ground water and glacial water.Glacier melt has a lot of impurities that gives it a distinctive taste.

Kalkaline, avatar

You’re so busy being pedantic that you’re missing my entire point, so congrats you win the conversation.

derbis, (edited )

People want them because they’re posturing conspicuous consumers.

obinice, to fuck_cars in Ministers prioritised driving in England partly due to conspiracy theories avatar

The tofu eating wokerati want to trap us on our homes! They want us to wear ankle trackers that ensure we don’t travel more then 15 minutes from the house!

They’re trying to ensure all the most important amenities are within walking distance so they can lock us down forever and control how we breed and what we think!

Then they’ll slowly replace us with the foreigners they’re shipping in on their small boats, and before you know it we’ll all be French! It’s an invasion from within!

Wake up sheeple!

PerogiBoi, avatar

My entire immediate and extended family wholeheartedly believe this.




It’s incredible. I went to a consultation forum regarding intruding 20mph speed limits and all these conspiracy nuts just came out of the crowd like some zombie apocalypse.

senseamidmadness, to news in Greenland startup begins shipping glacier ice to cocktail bars in the UAE

What a stupid waste of resources. Ice is ice.


I hope Greenland just takes the orders but instead uses ice made by huge freezers in Romania.


Ditto except why not put the freezers in Dubai


I was thinking of maximising profit but maybe Greenland could get a good deal on the packed down snow at the end of the Dubai ski “season”.

library_napper, avatar

You havent drank glacier water. It’s much more than just frozen water.

lisko, to news in Afghan girls as young as 16 arrested in shops, classes and markets in Kabul by the Taliban, who labelled them ‘infidels’ for wearing ‘bad hijab’ avatar

I encourage anyone who cares about this to travel to Afghanistan themselves and see it with their own eyes before relying on what publications like the Guardian have to say about it. One thing about the article that is probably not true is the claim that the girls were labeled “infidels” by the state. Why this claim is suspicious is that there is no word for “infidel” in the languages spoken in Afghanistan. The closest equivalent would be کافر (kafir), which can refer to someone who isn’t Muslim, but not wearing hijab is not considered to be any kind of proof that someone is not a Muslim. It’s highly doubtful that they were excommunicated for this.

The guardian claims that the government in Afghanistan mandates that women must be covered “from head to toe, revealing only their eyes”, which is clearly not true. When I was in Kabul I saw many women without their faces covered. This is one clear case where the Guardian gets facts on the ground wrong. A lot of women there are wearing surgical masks as a form of face covering that also doubles as protection from pollution and disease. As the girl quoted in the article said, they are doing this as a “precaution”, in other words, the government doesn’t in fact require face covering, but they are doing it anyway because they think they have to.

The article implies that girls were specifically targeted for going to English class, as if they have an issue with learning English. Government officials themselves also go to English classes, so that in and of itself was not a relevant matter to the story.

As for them getting beaten for “confronting the men”, of course you are going to get beaten if you resist arrest or argue. That’s true in most countries, but particularly in Afghanistan the authorities tend to hit people if they are not compliant.

The other issue is that the rule in Afghanistan is not well developed or consolidated, which means that these men who committed these acts like the beatings and arrests were acting outside the law, and the central government doesn’t necessarily support this action. Because of the rudimentary form of government different local elements of the Taliban can act differently or independently, so what the spokesperson quoted in the article said about this being unusual was probably telling the truth. This was only one incident, and hopefully it won’t be repeated elsewhere.


Cope harder.

p03locke, avatar

As for them getting beaten for “confronting the men”, of course you are going to get beaten if you resist arrest or argue. That’s true in most countries, but particularly in Afghanistan the authorities tend to hit people if they are not compliant.

Your whole post was already getting into a questionable defense of Afghanistan’s bullshit, but then you start defending police brutality and violence against women as something that is “true in most countries”? You’ve already lost me and probably most of the community here.

tardigrada, (edited )


This was only one incident, and hopefully it won’t be repeated elsewhere.

Such incidents happen often in Afghanistan, and mostly against women. The central government bans girls from education, just to name another example.

There is another article by CBS quoting representatives of the central government:

Zabihullah Mujahid, the Taliban regime’s chief spokesperson, confirmed the arrests to CBS News on Monday, saying “a group of women who were involved in modeling to promote clothes were detained, advised in front of their family members […]

The person said that after several hours of searching [for a woman detained by the Taliban], the family found the woman at a local police station late Tuesday evening, where Taliban officials demanded money, along with her passport and other documentation, as a penalty and “to guarantee that she will not violate the dress code in the future.”

The family member said the authorities told the family they would “take her biometrics and photos, and if she violates the dress code in the future, she will be imprisoned for a longer period.”

Recent arrests of women in Kabul Afghanistan for ‘bad hijab’, confirmed by the Taliban, regrettably signified further restrictions on women’s freedom of expression and undermines other rights,” [United Nations special envoy for Afghanistan] Bennett said in a social media post.

Source (emphasis mine)

Addition: a few more ‘incidents’ can be found across the web, some samples are at HRW’s website on Afghanistan.


Sure, I’ll just travel to places to verify the source every time when I consume news. That’s reasonable!


You start off strong then move straight to supporting the fucking Taliban, as if that’s a reasonable position to take.

I agree, the article is likely highly sensationalized, but let’s be clear the Taliban are a piece of shit government with extremely regressive and repressive views. Maybe this shit doesn’t happen in Kabul, but Kabul seems bad enough that women can only show their faces and most are even too afraid to do that. That shows you that it’s a TERRIBLE place to start with even in the best places. Unfortunately many people don’t live in Kabul and it seems that the government isn’t going to do anything to stop regional authorities from abusing their power and any young woman they can get their hands on.

Don’t travel to Afghanistan. Every dollar that goes to Afghanistan supports religious oppression.

RoquetteQueen, to fuck_cars in Ministers prioritised driving in England partly due to conspiracy theories avatar

I don’t understand how someone can graduate elementary (or primary in England, I think?) school and still believe the 15 minute city conspiracies. They have to be some of the stupidest that I’ve ever heard. Like if you know how to put your shoes on and you don’t keep forgetting to breathe, you should be smart enough to know better.


Indeed. I’m thinking there’s some connection to eating a bunch of beef hormones or other environmental poisons. It’s plainly a mental illness.

umbrella, (edited ) to news in Escaping Xi’s China by paddleboard: ‘I rushed into the water and thought if they catch me, they catch me’ avatar

doesnt make much sense, china doesnt prohibit emigration.

i wouldnt be surprised if this turns out to be sensationalized or exaggerated, the guardian always seem to spew anti-china bullshit for some reason.


I am not a fan of the Guardian, but according to the subject of the article (they call him Li), he is a dissident and was under active investigation. I don’t think they would have just let him leave

umbrella, avatar

thats fair, but from an outside perspective (from either country) it looks exactly like how the US treats its dissidents. i doubt someone like julian assange would get better treatment.

also, i dont know how they defined “dissident” in this case but its vague enough that i wont judge too hastily.


Assange is Australian so I’m not sure how that’s relevant

umbrella, avatar

why is the us torturing him then?

do you think they would let him up and cross the border?


Just because one state is also shitty to dissenters does not mean another state isn’t. They don’t cancel each other out.

Dissident is pretty vague, probably on purpose. As much as I dislike the US government, I can say the government here is shit and not get hauled to jail for the most part. The same is not necessarily true in China

umbrella, (edited ) avatar

is it?

how is the us treating communists, smaller trade unionists, palestine supporters, blm people and such over there? those people have sharp criticism and are the true dissenters to varying degrees.

ask one of those what could happen to them if they get singled out as a leader or something. i judge by actions not words.

e: immigrants too


I think you 100% missed the point. No matter how the US treats people, China can also treat people terribly. They are not mutually exclusive.

umbrella, (edited ) avatar

You were saying the US is better, all I said is that it isn’t.

One of them never sponsored a coup in my and most of my neighbouring countries.


I did imply the US is better, and I probably should not have. And even in that I did not mean the government doesn’t do horrific things. Probably should not have made the comparison TBH. That doesn’t mean China doesn’t also do horrific shit, even if the way they do it is different

raccoona_nongrata, avatar

While I personally don’t think Julian Assange did anything ethically or morally wrong, and the US government’s dogged pursuit of him was unjust, he did leak military intel which is much more serious and legally significant than what people often get jailed and harassed for in China. Like, I would not expect to leak info about the military in any country and just walk away as if nothing happened.

People have literally been jailed for making Tweets in China, people have been punished as retaliation against someone in their family being a dissident, we really shouldn’t be comparing the two countries as if they’re the same, regardless of the numerous major issues the US has. And even if they were the same, it doesn’t make anything China does even slightly more justifiable.

umbrella, (edited ) avatar

people have been jailed for making tweets in the uk.

and probably the us too, im just too lazy to look it up.

communists are considered dissidents in the us, ask one of them how would they be treated if they got singled out.

you dont even have to get that far, look at how all the recent big protests went…

also assange exposed american war crimes, thats what this is truly about.



The US tortures its dissidents. Just look at how they treated War on Terror whistleblower Chelsea Manning. Even the UN special rapporteur on torture spoke up about her treatment. She was driven to attempt suicide in prison multiple times. Including when she refused to cooperate with the secret Grand Jury investigating WikiLeaks and Julian Assange.

Julian Assange is about to be buried in a US prison and get a taste of that same medicine. Where are the Guardian outrage-articles on that? Oh, wait, that’s right. They threw him under the bus as soon as he’d given them access to the best scoops of the century (US diplomatic cables). The Guardian journos divulged the pass phrase to the unredacted cables in their book giving anyone who could locate the files online access. Cryptome published the unredacted cables before WL did while Assange called the State Department trying to warn them of the bad news. The Guardian then tried to make out like WL had acted irresponsibly in publishing the unredacted cables, when in reality the cat was already out of the bag and WL was doing harm-minimization. The Guardian’s blame-shifting makes my blood boil.

The ‘Guardian’ has no ethics and can’t be trusted on anything political imo.


Escaping Communist China, as a bit.


China is pretty egregious about taking away passports/not letting its own nationals leave its borders. Sometimes because they are political dissidents, sometimes because they are being retaliated against in some way, etc.

tardigrada, (edited )

<a href="">@umbrella</a>

There is ample evidence that China is suppressing its own people, including prohibiting emigration. One good source among many is the Safeguard Defenders, an NGO focusing on China.

You’ll find many good sources, including here on Lemmy. The situation has even been getting worse in recent years.


Geez that’s one of the most openly state-backed NGOs I’ve seen in a long time. They don’t even hide their direct US backing.

tardigrada, (edited )

<a href="">@Bartsbigbugbag </a>What’s a good source on that issue in your opinion? I know a lot more, but would like to learn new ones if possible. Would be great if you posted a link.

200ok, to lemmyshitpost in Flowers become incels due to climate change.


Is this the onion?



HurlingDurling, to upliftingnews in A new start after 60: I was a secretary – until I stumbled upon an amazing story I had to film avatar

Not only is this a great story on its own, but it proves that you don’t have to be young to find your true calling in life. So many people struggle with the thought of what they should be doing with their life that they don’t actually live their life because they are thinking about what they should do. Just do something you enjoy or are curious about trying, if you like it great! If you don’t, try the next thing.


So many people struggle with the thought of what they should be doing with their life that they don’t actually live their life because they are thinking about what they should do. struggling for survival working so hard at jobs that pay just enough money to survive and they’re so exhausted that they don’t have energy to pursue anything further because they need to work to survive.

Just do something you enjoy or are curious about trying, if you like it great! If you don’t, try the next thing.

things rich people with a lot of time on their hands say

HurlingDurling, avatar

things rich people with a lot of time on their hands say

Well I guess I’m rich even though I don’t feel rich

Sure I guess most people don’t think like this, but they should.

I came to this country with little less than a suitcase at the age of 19 to live in a rented room at first and now I am in my mid 40s paying for 2 kids through college, and here is a list of the jobs I’ve worked in.

  • Auto Mechanic
  • Gutter Cleanning
  • Construction
  • Factory Assembly line (twice)
  • Butcher
  • Music Sales Associate
  • New and Used Car Sailsmen
  • Electronics Store Associate
  • IT Help Desk tech
  • Police Officer
  • Gas Station Fuel Systems Service Tech
  • Back End Programmer
  • Front End Developer
  • Graphics Designer

Honestly, if given the opportunity, I would like to try Carpentry next, but I still have plenty of life in me to try other jobs.

I know some people might have a harder time finding or surviving with a job I totally blame the economy we have created for ourselves but I can say I’ve never let a job description or experience wanted deter me from applying for a job, the only thing that has stopped me was a diploma, and even then I just went and studied my ass off to get the certification or diploma I needed to do the job.

I hope that whatever barriers you have, that you find a way to overcome them and succeed.

hydroptic, to privacyguides in ‘Constantly monitored’: the pushback against AI surveillance at work

The biggest threat from AI isn’t it going all Skynet on us, but how rich people will use it to the detriment of the rest of us.


I’d honestly prefer skynet. At least it’d be instant


Oh don’t you worry, we’ll probably get a nuclear war within the next few decades, it just won’t be caused by an evil AI


I’d honestly prefer skynet. At least it’d be instant we’d be able to fight back

Against the rich, we have no chance.

Showroom7561, to privacyguides in ‘Constantly monitored’: the pushback against AI surveillance at work

All this technology, and none of it is being used to help employees. It’s all being used as weapons to punish them.


And the worst thing is, punishing them won’t even lead to increased productivity so it is entirely pointless.


Because it’s not about productivity, it’s about obsessive control.

If it really was about productivity, most places would consider 4-day workweeks, flexible time-off, bathroom breaks without punishment, additional training and support to those who need it, a focus on work/life balance, and just basically treating workers like human beings and not robots.

NounsAndWords, to mensliberation in Why do hardly any straight men write about sex and dating? | Imogen West-Knights

There are reasons to do with the history of this particular literary form, as well. It may be that, for a number of fair reasons, women are allowed to denigrate men in print, but not the other way around. “I think some of the things I get away with saying about men would seem a bit gross from guys, because of the obvious power imbalance,” Annie Lord, British Vogue’s dating columnist, told me. Women can write about dating because on a heterosexual date, society generally accepts that women are the underdogs.

Perhaps the presumption that the same privileges equally translate to different contexts plays a part. I don’t see any “fair reasons” listed here. I see a group that is allowed to say negative things about one, and another that is shut down for the same thing (but that they have fair reasons to be allowed to). Maybe nobody should be denigrating anyone and it is just, in itself, unfair to denigrate others?

On any dating advise site/community I don’t exactly see women as the “underdogs” with regard to support and who is ‘right’ in any given situation. The first examples that come to mind are reddits dating advice and “AITA” subs where I’ve seen more than enough examples of the old “switching genders completely changed people’s opinions” posts to not feel comfortable there.

dumples, avatar

Maybe nobody should be denigrating anyone and it is just, in itself, unfair to denigrate others?

I think this is a fair point and we should really avoid denigrating everyone. However, ignore any differences between any of the genders and their assumed roles is not helpful. There are differences we just need to recognize that one isn't better or more correct than the other.

P.S. the AITA subs are always kind of a mess. Especially with people justifying their terrible behavior.

Cylusthevirus, avatar

The AITA subs are mostly exercises in short fiction.


AITA is garbage because it isn’t about finding the best course of action but about whether you can pretend that your behaviour is justified, which is not helpful.


However, ignore any differences between any of the genders and their assumed roles is not helpful.

This is part of what I was saying in the first bit. There are absolutely differences in genders that should be recognized and respected. But context is key. Assuming women are the “underdogs in heterosexual dating” that does not translate to talk about dating. In the context of dating advice and online discussions about relationships, I very much disagree that women are underdogs. But the author is using this, presumably, to support the prior sentence’s argument that women can “fairly” denigrate men in print for this reason.


But also, we’re not talking about dating, we’re talking about sex, and women are the definite underdogs when it comes to sex, or at least casual sex. The stats on who gets to orgasm through casual sex are just abysmal for heterosexual women… Maybe we all would benefit from sex columns for men more than we’d like to admit.

The amount of false info around, " it’s just much harder for women to orgasm" and " a lot of women simply cannot orgasm no matter what" is pretty easily disproven by orgasm rates in homosexual female couples, which leads me to believe it’s the men in the equation that lead to women having trouble orgasming, not some inevitability.

And this is all women are clear underdogs in sex before you even touch on the difference in dangers to men v women with sex /sexual violence/ coersion

dumples, avatar

Great points about the orgasm gap.


Are you suggesting that those are valid reasons that “women [should be] allowed to denigrate men in print”? Because that’s the thing I was talking about.


Why is that your sole data point here? What about amount of sex in general?

Men have less sex in general and do it less frequently, so by that metric men are the underdogs.

jordanlund, to mensliberation in Why do hardly any straight men write about sex and dating? | Imogen West-Knights avatar

Because men are told that talking about things like that makes them creeps.

dumples, avatar

Exactly. There should be a way to talk about it that isn't creepy


Yeah, but then you’d have to talk about women like… they’re… people… or something. /s

dumples, avatar

Can you even imagine


Easy. Become a woman. Now it’s ok.


It doesn’t matter how tactful you are, somebody will call you a creep for it.

PeepinGoodArgs, to mensliberation in Why do hardly any straight men write about sex and dating? | Imogen West-Knights

Would many straight men even read this fabled column? Again, I asked some friends. “I probably wouldn’t be interested in reading a column by some dude cos I’d just think, well, that’s him I guess. I can’t imagine finding it useful or applying it to me in any way.”

I think this is it for me. Women vary, and what works for some dude’s woman probably won’t work for mine.

dumples, avatar

I think that is true for most advice columns. I think it would need to a hook (bi, kinky, poly etc.) of some kind as well. It is interesting that it doesn't exist


I think the snag is that “talk to your partner” is a boring, factual, real-world response to most questions – which is very, very good advice… that nobody wants to hear.

dumples, avatar

That is true. You could spruce it up about specifics about how to talk about it but you are right. Most relationship problems are boring and that is the boring answer. You need some advice about the interesting parts of sex and relationships where there are a focus on the sex especially non PIV sex.


Meh. Both people not understanding what they want or how to solve a problem is entirely possible, but the solution to that is to try a few different things and talk some more. Maybe that could be the hook… Talking to couples instead of just one person. Anyway. As much as I’d love for someone to pay me to talk about sex all day, it’s not happening.

snooggums, avatar

A lot of the time that is the response after someone says that they did try to talk to their partner too. It is both true and a non-helpful answer in a lot of cases because the problems to discuss are caused by underlying communication problems.

Cylusthevirus, to mensliberation in Why do hardly any straight men write about sex and dating? | Imogen West-Knights avatar

Straight men don't need to write about sex; a lot of us are terrible at it. Read Dan Savage instead, he'll sort you.

dumples, avatar

10 / 10 would recommend Dan Savage for everyone

Anticorp, to mensliberation in Why do hardly any straight men write about sex and dating? | Imogen West-Knights

Kiss and tell is undignified, and wouldn’t be the gentlemanly thing to do.

ThatWeirdGuy1001, avatar

This is how I’ve always thought.

Then I found out from multiple exes that it was a regular thing for women to do.

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