WatDabney, to news in Israel-Gaza war live: Israeli hostages mistakenly killed by IDF in Gaza were holding makeshift white flag, official says

Just makes me wonder how many Palestinians they’ve murdered in similar circumstances, and we just didn’t hear about it because they weren’t Israelis, so it was treated as if it didn’t matter.


I mean, the answer is loads. There was a hospital where they had to move all patients away from the outer rooms because the Israeli army were using snipers to pick off staff who came to attend to them. Uniformed doctors who were engaged in treating their patients were shot with no warning.

NOT_RICK, to movies in Directors are turning to streaming to fulfil their epic visions – and avoid ‘bum ache’ avatar

I have no issue with a long movie, but I’m of the opinion that any movie over two and a half hours needs an intermission. I don’t need a UTI for your art, directors/editors.


There was an intermission during Hateful 8 and it was glorious being able to get a restroom break and another beer without feeling guilty of getting up in the middle of the movie. So I definitely agree we need more of those.


Im sure the theatres would love it as well so they can sell more snacks, everyone seems to want this


It’s standard in plays to have an intermission. Almost no matter how long it actually runs. Even a 90min movie could have a 5min intermission.


This was the norm in Portugal when I visited in 2010 at least. In my childhood theater in rural Norway there was always an intermission as well, because they didn’t have dual projectors. Hot-swapping projectors was the only way to avoid one in the analog film days, as we all learned from Fight Club.


In Portugal, the only movie I saw where there wasn't an intermission was a very short movie, barely 50 minutes long. Anything longer than an hour has an intermission, or at least had before the pandemic.

Holyhandgrenade, avatar

Intermissions are standard in Icelandic cinemas, no matter the length of the movie. Since moving to Norway I always forget and my bladder is about to explode at the end of the movie. I don’t think an intermission is necessary for a 90 minute movie, but I think if it’s 2 hours or longer then an intermission should be required.


And you’d think theaters would love it. More concessions visits per screening.

hydroptic, to privacyguides in ‘Constantly monitored’: the pushback against AI surveillance at work

The biggest threat from AI isn’t it going all Skynet on us, but how rich people will use it to the detriment of the rest of us.


I’d honestly prefer skynet. At least it’d be instant


Oh don’t you worry, we’ll probably get a nuclear war within the next few decades, it just won’t be caused by an evil AI


I’d honestly prefer skynet. At least it’d be instant we’d be able to fight back

Against the rich, we have no chance.

jordanlund, to mensliberation in Why do hardly any straight men write about sex and dating? | Imogen West-Knights avatar

Because men are told that talking about things like that makes them creeps.

dumples, avatar

Exactly. There should be a way to talk about it that isn't creepy


Yeah, but then you’d have to talk about women like… they’re… people… or something. /s

dumples, avatar

Can you even imagine


Easy. Become a woman. Now it’s ok.


It doesn’t matter how tactful you are, somebody will call you a creep for it.

achille225, to news in French parliament backs proposal to ban vapes

It seems the title is misleading to some people : France is just banning the use of SINGLE-USE vapes, not all vapes.

nicetriangle, avatar

Hard to blame them. The amount of e waste is staggering

autumn, avatar

good. i found a ton of these nasty little things in my backyard when i moved into my current house. the house was (no surprise) previously occupied by a bunch of undergrads.


Isn’t that a massive fire hazard apart from being bad for the environment?

baggins, to news in Australia rejects proposal to recognise Aboriginal people in constitution avatar

Holy crap, that’s depressing.

And whitey wonders why the locals have got the arseache.


Not Australian, but looking through the proposal, it seemed pretty basic. It’s pretty sad that even a relatively toothless measure like this couldn’t pass. Though I’m definitely not throwing stones, I’m in America.


On the other hand, why should a “toothless measure” become part of the constitution?

(PS: just checked US Constitution amendments, love how the 27th only took 200 years to get approved 😄)


American here and is seems from headlines that Australia suffers a lot the same brain dead schemes that we do.

Nonameuser678, avatar

Your fascist cookers funded our fascist cookers during this referendum campaign lol.


hey man, we exported the fascist cooker that got their fascist cookers into power.

It’s an ouroboros! yaaaaaaaaaaay


The world would be a better place without Murdoch media.

interolivary, (edited ) avatar

And, frankly, without conservatives in general. They’re an existential threat, starting from the fact that they’re opposed to doing anything about climate change (well anything that doesn’t make it worse, anyhow), not to mention that a nontrivial percentage of them would love to see me and others like me murdered because of our gender identity

hark, to upliftingnews in US student, 14, wins award for developing soap to treat skin cancer avatar

Does it actually work?

MicroWave, avatar

Looks like it does from another article:

Heman’s mentor, 3M product engineering specialist Deborah Isabelle, said she could see the teen’s energy and passion for the project from their first meeting. She described Heman as “focused on making the world a better place for people he hasn’t necessarily even met yet.”

The soap, called Skin Cancer Treating Soap (SCTS), works by using a compound that helps revive dendritic cells, which are killed by cancer cells. Once the dendritic cells are revived, they are able to then fight against the cancer cells. In essence, it reactivates the body’s healing power, Isabelle said.

Similar creams and ointments exist, Heman said, but he doesn’t believe soap has ever been used to fight against skin cancers in their early stages.

He has a five-year plan, which includes seeking approval from the Food and Drug Administration. Isabelle has already connected him with other scientists who specialize in medical products to help him move forward with his plans.…/heman-bekele-skin-cancer-soa…


He has a five-year plan

this is one of those business buzzwords that makes my skin crawl

synceDD, avatar

Crawling over words lmaooo soy


Yes, a timeline and plan for reaching a goal. So buzzy.

WoahWoah, (edited )

Hard eye roll. Many people plan in 1, 2, 5, 10, and 25 year timelines. This is reductio ad hitleriam taken to its limit point. I’m super glad you’re not a teacher.

QuarterSwede, (edited ) avatar

I was thinking the similar. It’s used in business because it works. Most likely some of the anti-work crowd spouting of crap they think they know about but in reality don’t.


Work is hard. I’m against bullshit jobs and exploiting labor, but there’s no world without people getting up, getting off their phones, and getting to work. There’s a nascent sentiment that we would go back to “how it was,” and that we should only work to do things that are beautiful.

We should have more time for that. But your shit goes somewhere. Your trash goes somewhere. And you need to eat. As someone that’s shoveled shit, hauled trash, grown food, and hunts, that’s not easy work. You can’t just wake up one morning with the clarity that no one should do anything they don’t want to do. Everyone needs to do things they don’t want to do.

Work is honorable, and the hardest work I’ve done in my life was the lowest paying, most disrespected, most valuable work I’ve ever done. The fact that we’ve lost sight of that is troubling.

Pay people well. Very well. And if you went to college for it, then you should get paid less than the people that do the actual work, so they can get paid more. Cut the top end off most companies. They went to college too. I went to college, I work a white-collar job. I’m happy and financially comfortable. I know for the real workers to get paid more, I’ll need to be paid less. A college degree doesn’t mean you deserve to be paid more.

That’s just my opinion, and I could be (and likely am) wrong. I’ve been wrong a lot in my life. I’m a better person for it, because I realized it. So there’s a lot of evidence to support the fact that my opinion is wrong. But because I’ve been wrong so often and have tried to grow each time, I’m less wrong than I used to be. I wake up each morning comforted by how I’ve handled my failures.

Success is a fleeting feeling for me. Earned knowledge from my failures and the knowledge that I’ve tried to recognize them and improve myself each time makes me sleep quite happy at night. And when I’m doing something, my fear of failure shrinks every year.

QuarterSwede, avatar

This is a response better than I deserve. Well done and totally agree with all of your points, especially the being wrong bit.


Just remember money is a completely made up concept.

ThePantser, avatar

There’s a cream for that


Whenever you read “X-year old does something”, it’s usually already been done or a slight modification of something already been done.


Must be fun to be so cynical all the time. Otherwise idk why you would do it? Like yeah fuck them kids. Better to not encourage them at all and say “you stupid idiot someone basically already did this what you’re doing is pointless, dumbass”


Whenever anyone does anything, that’s usually the case…

snooggums, avatar

Whenever you read “person does something”, it’s usually already been done or a slight modification of something already been done.


On the shoulders of giants is a thing for a reason.


When I was 14, I was not helping to cure cancer. My science fair project was about salt raising the boiling point of water. :) I’ll give him props but you’re right.


Were your tests conclusive?

I did mine on whether brown eggs would boil faster than white.


I did conclude the boiling point was raised. I was up for a Nobel prize in chemistry but was excluded because of my political leanings.

rustydrd, avatar

Even if the active ingredients are already known, developing a new mode of application for an existing drug is an enormous accomplishment for a student his age. Plus, the alternative (minors doing experiments with unapproved drugs) is likely illegal, so there’s only so much they could do.


remember when two highschool students solved a 4000 year old unsolved mathematical proof…/teens-prove-2000-year-old-pythagorean-….


Don’t underestimate our ability to miss the obvious. You’re talking about the race that over 3000 or so years, forgot scurvy was cured by vitamin C over 10 times.

They also used to shape steel wire by pulling it really hard through a kinda steel funnel. This works because the tensile strength of steel is much higher than its yield strength, so you can pull on it with more force than it takes to shape it, without it snapping.

Back in the day, we figured out corrosion helped make the steel slippery when it went through the shaping tool. We though it was because some dudes pissed on the steel, so for a while after people pissed on their steel. Until people started figuring out beer worked just as well, and then half beer half water.

Until they finally realized water worked just as well to create corrosion. It took a couple hundred years.

Sometimes it just takes someone to think about it and do it. At 14 that’s incredible, kids aren’t that selfless at that age.

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

At 14 that’s incredible

It’s incredible to have the opportunity to mentor with a senior research analyst at 3M.

Wish more kids were given this kind of opportunity without going six figures into debt


I think both of your statements are correct - lots of innovations are right in front of us, are simple, and that’s the kinda shit scientists love. More kids, but really people of any age, should be given opportunities like this given passion or even a passing curiosity.


Soap is a rinse-off product. It'll never be as effective as leave-on ointments because the substances that actually do something will mostly be gone as soon as they're rinsed off the skin...

heavyboots, to reddit in How social media's biggest user protest rocked Reddit avatar

I feel like it’s unfortunate they didn’t highlight the open source options where the customer is not the product as their article closer, but rather of a quote about how Reddit could be such a better place. Seems to entirely miss the point.

spider, (edited )

No surprise there; it’s the same mainstream media that rarely acknowledges the existence of Linux or third-party political candidates.

7of9, avatar

They did do a beginner’s guide to Mastodon after Musk infested Twitter, but it does seem like they don’t consider Lemmy or Mastodon to be “serious”

muad_dibber, avatar

Lemmy’s still at the “ignore it to death until we can’t anymore” stage.


They also quote one user multiple times throughout the article. Well, two if you count the deleted comment.

Zero mention of how ads are now every other post. And zero mention of why everyone hates the official app. “Navigation”? What

mondoman712, to fuck_cars in French city of Montpellier makes public transport free for all residents

Making it free just for residents is an interesting choice. I guess the argument is that they’re paying taxes to cover the use while non residents are, but then you have to maintain all of the ticketing infrastructure for much lower revenue. They’ve also banned taking bikes on the trams as part of this, which isn’t great.


Replace tickets with tap payments, problem solved


It’s still infrastructure to maintain all over the system.


I don’t like the idea of requiring folks have chips on them & needing bank accounts to access transport. Worse if a for-profit payment processor gets to skim a little off on every transaction.


What the fuck are you talking about, contactless payment with cards and apple/google pay are not subdermal chips


All of these devices emit traceable signals. If someone doesn’t want to be tracked, which there are tools that do this, folks should have the option to opt out as paper & coins have worked fine for a millennia. But also what you are now proposing is that Google & Apple, two ad companies, get to take a piece of the pie for doing nothing and collecting that user data of what user is going where/when.


Bruh, those payment methods are ubiquitous in developed countries, like those in Europe.

the advantage of credit/debit cards is that you don’t need to fucking buy some obscure city specific card for public transport or need to figure out the tickets, you just tap your card when you get on.

New York is also rolling this out btw


I live in Asia & I’m real happy cash is preferred for everywhere. It’s not some tech startup or credit card’s business how/when I’m spending my money & it’s never been difficult to hand currency to the driver.


It is when the system serves thousands or hundreds of thousands a day…

toastal, (edited )

Then I guess you’ve never met the most populated continent that seems to be alright as is.

But also we could have free transit before the internet. Wrapping something in technology doesn’t mean its better. A smart watch doesn’t tell you the time any better than are without Bluetooth.


For private business the tickets are to fund the business. But for public transport they are never expected to cover the costs of the business.

It is run as a public service, not to make money. The function of tickets is to prevent overcrowding.

That’s why in well designed systems, the price is different at rush hour, and for high traffic routes and times.

I don’t know anything about montpellier specifically though.


It’s not too make money but they still need money to run it, and in a lot of places a significant portion of that comes from fares. If they’re replacing all of it with money coming from elsewhere then great.


That’s why in well designed systems, the price is different at rush hour, and for high traffic routes and times.

Introducing something variable or unpredictable into public transit would probably deter a few people from using it

From an efficiency perspective this makes sense, but I don’t like it to be honest. The long distance trains do that here and it’s very off putting, although I can understand why - the trains are already usually very overcrowded, long and don’t fit in most stations, no funding is available to extend the platforms any further, and companies can’t buy newer, denser, faster trains because the railway electrify project is decades late…

As an alternative I’d propose increasing the frequency of the trams if possible, or maybe even use longer trams during those times if the stops are suitably long

maxprime, to datahoarder in Lost Doctor Who episodes found – but owner is reluctant to hand them to BBC

If they want it so much why don’t they pay him? Sounds like if it weren’t for him (and the others he seems to allude to) we wouldn’t have this opportunity.


Would you pay someone who stole something from you?

I would’ve.


I would pay someone who rummaged through my trash and decades later I realized I shouldn’t have thrown it away.


Trash is public domain anyways isnt it?

zeppo, to archaeology in Many prehistoric handprints show a finger missing. What if this was not accidental? avatar

The evidence: maybe!!


The evidence: Made up!


To be fair when it comes to this kind of research comparison with modern hunter gatherer societies is the closest thing you can find to evidence, some things never enter the archaeological record.

Perhaps we'll never find conclusive evidence pointing to any one of the theories on these missing-finger handprints.

zeppo, (edited ) avatar

Right. With no written documentation or known modern descendants of the culture, it’s all speculation. I don’t know why they’d leap to conclude it was intentional religious sacrifice vs. accidents or amputations following injury.

athos77, to news in Spotify to phase out service in Uruguay following new copyright bill requiring ‘fair and equitable remuneration’

If your business isn't profitable without exploiting workers [artists], then your business doesn't deserve to exist.


You people from the logical timeline have no business coming here and telling us idiots how to run things! Go back to your utopia!

bedrooms, to news in Civilian deaths are indefensible, whether done by Hamas or Israel | Rajan Menon

Western leaders literally face Nazi opposition parties, yet they can openly welcome Netanyahu do genocide WTF


Netanyahu the holocaust revisionist of all people.

JJROKCZ, to upliftingnews in Biden student-debt plan hailed as ‘big step forward’ for millions of borrowers

The only step forward worth the name is the cancellation of all debt, and making higher education government paid. Anything else is an embarrassing stop-gap fine to avoid the only real solution to student debt and lack of access to higher ed. A educated workforce is a skilled and effective workforce, it is literally in our nation’s best interest to educate it’s citizenry as best it is capable, and it’s capable of a lot more than it is currently doing


It’s clear that republicans would file all kinds of lawsuits and the Supreme Court would probably agree with them.

It’s probably going to have to happen in a different manner.


The Democrats only play is blaming the Republicans. It's clear they are in cahoots together.

PupBiru, avatar

just because it’s shit doesn’t make it untrue… what cdf12345 said isn’t wrong: conservatives challenged and rolled back previous debt forgiveness… they’d absolutely try and do the same with pretty much anything progressives do, so everything has to move in baby steps

blaming republicans for lack of progress is not their only play: you can be frustrated by the minimal progress, but to say they do nothing at all is incorrect and only helps conservatives move the US backward


The fact that the Supreme Court found that the plaintiffs had standing is what is so worrisome. I think everyone was shocked that a student loan management company in Missouri was found to have been damaged by the previous student debt plan.


That would strengthen America and make it a better, more competitive country that would have to worry a lot less about the new cold war, and also make even our military stronger in the long run... but oh no, it's "socialism" so half the voting population's too brainwashed to see how it'll help everyone, including the rich, who would have higher quality workers.

Because it's not about making life better, it's about control + sadism.

Showroom7561, to privacyguides in ‘Constantly monitored’: the pushback against AI surveillance at work

All this technology, and none of it is being used to help employees. It’s all being used as weapons to punish them.


And the worst thing is, punishing them won’t even lead to increased productivity so it is entirely pointless.


Because it’s not about productivity, it’s about obsessive control.

If it really was about productivity, most places would consider 4-day workweeks, flexible time-off, bathroom breaks without punishment, additional training and support to those who need it, a focus on work/life balance, and just basically treating workers like human beings and not robots.

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