Mongostein, to upliftingnews in Canada’s first First Nations provincial premier elected in Manitoba

It’s a shame that it didn’t happen sooner, but I’m super happy for Wab. I don’t hear a lot about him in Alberta, but what I do hear is always positive.

Bipta, to mildlyinteresting in People may suffer ‘long colds’ more than four weeks after infection, study shows | Medical research


However, the researchers do not yet have evidence suggesting that the symptoms have the same severity or duration as long Covid


Martineau said people with Covid in the study were more likely to suffer taste and smell problems and light-headedness or dizziness than those without. They also suffered heart palpitations, sweating and hair loss.

Those in the non-Covid group were more likely to have a cough or a hoarse voice than people with Covid. Both groups suffered breathlessness and fatigue.

shadowSprite, to mildlyinteresting in People may suffer ‘long colds’ more than four weeks after infection, study shows | Medical research

I’m an otherwise pretty healthy person who gets knocked out by anything respiratory. My entire life, ever since I was a kid, if I get a cold, the flu, anything, it’s going to be weeks to months of feeling terrible. I always hated how casual everyone around me was with their illness, like oh, it’s just a cold, yeah, well that cold is going to have me unable to sleep for the next 2 weeks and feeling generally awful for at least the next 2 after that, so please wash your hands after you sneeze on them. Twice now I’ve had the flu and taken over 4 months to recover and stop feeling like my lungs were filling with fluid every time I did any type of exercise.


Ugh. That’s rough.

Squirrel, avatar

My daughter is in a similar situation. It’s very frustrating to take her to some kids event and have kids around who are coughing and sniffling. I get it, it’s minor and they want to enjoy this event. But if my daughter gets sick, she’ll be nigh incapacitated for the next week or two by this “minor illness”. That “light cough” will have her coughing so hard that she vomits. She’s basically relegated to laying around and reading or watching TV. It makes school tough and is a fairly large part of why we homeschool.


Me too. I found out in my thirties that I have (fortunately relatively mild) cystic fibrosis and that was the reason for it.


Ugh, that sucks. I suspect I have some underlying condition because whenever I actually stop being lazy and do cardio like running I’ll cough for days afterwards. I love running and used to run almost daily but got sick of constantly having a runner’s cough. But all my medical checkups have been great and I feel like if I complain about the fact that when I get sick it takes forever to recover and cough when I exercise it’s going to be too vague of a complaint for them to do anything about or care.


Heh, that was the first symptom that got me on my very long road to diagnosis. I would cough after strenuous exercise and sex. But that was it. I didn't smoke or engage in anything that should cause a cough, I was young, etc. Took a looong time before I finally saw a pulmonologist who could recognize bronchiectasis on a CT, which I apparently had already had for years at that point. Bronchiectasis, in relatively young people, is almost exclusively caused by cystic fibrosis, so that got the ball rolling on the long path to diagnosis.

Some doctors may not like to know that they are your second opinion or third opinion, but it kind of saved me continuing to go to different doctors.

Not to say that you have anything so serious. It's extremely unlikely that you do. In fact, the most common cause of a mysterious cough is post nasal drip, if I recall correctly. I just think that people are less aware of these sorts of possibilities than they ought to be. I literally laughed when my pulmonologist first suggested I might have CF.

Edit: to be a little more helpful, you might want to try something like an Aerobika flutter device and/or a nebulizer (you'd need a prescription). They're good for helping to clear out the lungs, and you don't need to have some sort of special condition to use them.


Wow, this is interesting! I really need to stop brushing it off and actually do something about it, but it’s just so much easier to ignore things sometimes :)

I hope you have a long, healthy life!

storksforlegs, to news in Chinese censors block ‘Tiananmen’ image of athletes hugging avatar


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  • jarfil,

    That’s how you get “Streisand” added to the filtered words list…

    I_Has_A_Hat, to longreads in Escape from the rabbit hole: the conspiracy theorist who abandoned his dangerous beliefs

    Says he stepped away in 2018. Interesting to note that’s about when conspiracy forums took a hard turn right and went from “everyone is secretly out to get you” to “liberals are evil and the only uncorrupt bright spot in this world is conservatism and our lord, Donald J Trump.”

    I guess the party just wasn’t as fun anymore after everyone stopped talking about aliens and started talking about things like The Storm™️. This isn’t a story of someone breaking free from Qanon or the Cult of Donald. This is an OG conspiracy theorist who saw his spaces get taken over by this new wave of partisan conspiracies and went “yikes, you guys are crazy! I’m getting out of here!”

    Sabre363, to mensliberation in ‘I prefer women’s jeans – men’s lack design subtlety’: why men are buying womenswear

    I like having pockets

    theforkofdamocles, to mensliberation in ‘I prefer women’s jeans – men’s lack design subtlety’: why men are buying womenswear

    It reminds me of a Jerry Seinfeld bit:

    “I think we should all wear the same exact clothes. Because it seems to be what happens eventually, anyway. Anytime you see a movie or a TV show where there’s people from the future or another planet, they’re all wearing the same outfit. I think the decision just gets made: “All right, everyone, from now on, it’s just gonna be the one-piece silver suit with the V stripe and the boots. That’s the outfit. We’re gonna be visiting other planets, we wanna look like a team here. The individuality thing is over.”

    AcidOctopus, to mensliberation in ‘I prefer women’s jeans – men’s lack design subtlety’: why men are buying womenswear

    I used to wear women’s skinny jeans as a teenager because they were skinnier and easier to find than men’s at the time.

    The men’s stuff was more of a slim-fit, rather than an actual skinny fit. The shallow pockets sucked, but otherwise they looked much better.

    Ilovethebomb, to mensliberation in ‘I prefer women’s jeans – men’s lack design subtlety’: why men are buying womenswear

    Even “loose fit” jeans are too tight for me, I don’t think I could physically wear women’s jeans.


    It is true that women’s pants sit closer to the skin, and yet women’s pants tend to be made out of a much higher percentage of latex so they stretch more than men’s pants.

    NightLily, (edited ) to privacyguides in School surveillance tech does more harm than good, ACLU report finds avatar

    The table in the ACLU report is kind of interesting. I mean, I was confused about the could be shared with law enforcement and the could be used to discipline my friends but then seeing the Could be used to identify trans/reproductive health makes those amounts completely understandable as well as the undocumented statement.

    • I always feel like I’m being watched 32%
    • How it could be used to discipline me or my friends 27%
    • What our school and companies they contract with do with the data (such as sell it, analyze it, etc.) 26%
    • How it limits what resources I feel I can access online 24%
    • Could be shared with law enforcement 22%
    • Could be used against me in the future by a college or an employer 21%
    • Could be used to identify students seeking reproductive health care (such as contraception or abortion care) 21%
    • Could be used to identify students seeking gender-affirming care (such as transgender students seeking hormones) 18%
    • Could be used against immigrant students, especially those who are undocumented 18%
    • How it limits what I say online 17%
    • Could be used to “out” LGBTQIA+ students 13%
    • I have no concerns regarding surveillance in my school 27%


    Source: YouGov. School Surveillance, fielded October 20-26, 2022. Commissioned by ACLU TABLE 1 Students’ Concerns About School Surveillance

    Onii-Chan, avatar

    Hell, I finished school over a decade ago now, but even as an adult, I feel like I'm being constantly watched. This kind of overreaching, omnipresent surveillance is genuinely not good for individuals and by extension, society at large. Human beings do not act naturally when they feel their every move is being watched. Anxiety, distrust, paranoia, depression, etc. can all manifest, and it scares me to know that this kind of "for your safety" surveillance has become so normalized.

    It isn't normal. It is affecting the average person's mental health, even if they don't know it. It is affecting society at a very base level as a result. What a world...

    NightLily, avatar

    Note: Found the one big thing I wanted in the ACLU stuff but I’m not reading through the Vice News report at this moment: As Vice News reported, “The few published studies looking into the impacts of [student surveillance] tools indicate that they may have the effect [of] breaking down trust relationships within schools and discouraging adolescents from reaching out for help.”83 Ironically, the same tools the EdTech Surveillance industry is promoting as a means for identifying students in need of help may actually be dis-couraging those students from reaching out to school officials and other adults for help when they need it.

    Chais, to privacyguides in School surveillance tech does more harm than good, ACLU report finds avatar
    Xylight, to privacyguides in School surveillance tech does more harm than good, ACLU report finds avatar

    woah no way, spying on kids makes them feel unsafe??


    Sir_Kevin, to news in Stockholm to ban petrol and diesel cars from centre from 2025 avatar

    This is fantastic and a good example of what other cities around the world should do.

    bedrooms, to news in Stockholm to ban petrol and diesel cars from centre from 2025

    in an effort to slash pollution and reduce noise

    I think that summarizes it. Not effective for tackling climate crisis.


    Focusing on passenger cars never will be, as their co2 output is only around 15% of the total in the EU. Every little bit helps, sure, but even getting completely rid of cars wouldn’t be enough.

    ampersandrew, avatar

    15% sounds like a great chunk to reduce.


    Except that 15% isn’t nearly enough to even really make a dent into climate change as a whole, and there is no way in the near foreseeable future to get anywhere near “nobody uses cars or anything that causes co2 emissions to move around.”

    Even if everyone swapped to electric cars or alternative methods of transport asap, which would cause a huge spike in emissions from their manufacturing (~twice of an ICE car) and all the infrastructure work required to handle their charging and all the extra maintenance of roads required from having vehicles two to three times as heavy as most ICE cars run on them, let’s assume we’d get a reduction of 50% for personal transport - you’ve just spend an absurd amount of money and effort to reduce the overall emissions by 7.5%.
    If 7.5% reduction is the goal that would be much cheaper, easier and faster to carve out of the energy sector, which currently accounts for around 70% of total co2 because majority of it is still made using fossil fuels.

    We need to do it eventually, sure, and everyone who can afford to get an electric car should do so, but it’s like tackling plastic pollution by removing disposable straws and forks instead of concentrating on the massive amounts used by manufacturing sector - visible and gives everyone a nice fuzzy feeling they are doing something, while not actually achieving much. A good cause, but not the most pressing one by far.


    Principally agree. If we want to make a dent we need to be going into carbon capture mode - as most likely we’re already seeing cascading effects from the emissions already caused. Permafrost melting and releasing methane, the ocean warming up and holding less CO2.

    But the numbers you use are horrid.

    The average EV weighs maybe around 300 kg more than a comparable fossil car. Sure, the Hummer EV weighs a fuckton, but a regular Hummer ICE isn’t exactly a Lotus either.

    The other negative trend in weight is the SUV-ification of society, and if you swap a Civic for an iX you get double padding.

    Lifetime emissions cast a much bigger shadow than production emissions and most EV’s are climate positive one year in (average driving length, average electricity mix).

    All of that said; don’t buy an EV to save the planet. Buy an EV because it’s a better car and better for your wallet. Depending on a multitude of factors these may not hold true for you yet, and you should probably just keep driving what you drive.

    People focus way too much on the downsides of EV’s like charging infrastructure issues or waiting to charge.

    All vehicles have tradeoffs and just because you’re used to filling petrol doesn’t mean it’s a pleasant activity. I’ve spent way too much time freezing at the petrol pump in the winter.

    I actually did the math and found I’ve been spending way too much time at the petrol pumps. Driving electric I plug in at home. Takes a few seconds just like plugging in your phone.

    Going out for petrol takes ten minutes. Driving on trips my bladder is still the weakest link, but every now and then charging adds a few minutes here and there, sometimes more.

    Estimated net average time savings per year over the last four years is about 3-4 hours driving electric instead of ICE. That includes an hour less filling in freezing conditions.

    But I digress.

    TLDR; Climate is fucked, but EV’s can be good fun. Don’t feel obliged to buy one just yet, wait until it makes sense.

    ampersandrew, avatar

    15% is a significant dent. It's 15%! Even half of that is significant. And I'd sooner say we transition to encouraging just about any other kind of transit via our city and infrastructure design (efforts are ongoing, so it's not like no progress has been made) rather than just encouraging everyone to switch to an electric vehicle, but there are all kinds of benefits to restricting vehicle traffic in city centers besides climate change too, probably helping them to sell this policy. It's still a reduction that helps climate change, but it's one of those ones like straws and plastic bags that are much easier to legislate even if it's not the largest reduction that could be made. I guess I just disagree that anything other than the largest slices of the pie are worth putting any focus on, because if it was easy to reduce those large slices of the pie, we'd have done it. Even those large slices can probably be broken up into smaller slices, of which some may be easy to deal with.

    java, to news in Stockholm to ban petrol and diesel cars from centre from 2025

    Swedish city tries to reduce pollution and noise

    How does this help reducing noise? I think with modern cars, tires generate notably more noise than the engine unless the speed is below 30 km/h. I hear no difference between a petrol car and electric when they’re driving past me at 50-60 km/h.

    ampersandrew, (edited ) avatar

    That's true, but presumably in a city, the average speed is far lower than that.


    Depends on the car. Unfortunately, you always have people who want their cars and motorbikes to be loud (small penis syndrome).

    lemillionsocks, avatar

    They make make more noise while accelerating which I would presume would be something that happens often in a city center with lots of stops and starts.

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