crowsby, to RedditMigration in Reddit violates CCPA avatar

The creator of is a former Reddit backend developer, and believes this behavior is likely due to how Reddit caching works (or doesn't work), rather than an intentional subversion of user intent:

Yes, this is almost certainly a technical issue. The way reddit caches things probably isn't the standard way you're thinking of, like a short-term cache that expires and refreshes itself. There are multiple layers of "cached" listings and items for almost everything, and a lot of these caches are actually data that's stored permanently and kept up to date individually.

For example, when you view your comments page, Reddit uses a cached (permanent) list of which comments are in that page. There is a separate list stored for each sorting method. For example, maybe you'd have something like this with some made-up comment IDs:

Deimos's comments by new: 948, 238, 153
Deimos's comments by hot: 238, 153, 948
Deimos's comments by controversial: 153, 238, 948
If I post a new comment, it will go through each list and add the new ID in the right spot (for example, in the "new" list it always just goes at the start). If I delete a comment, it goes through every list, and removes the ID if it can find it in there.

One of the problems with this system (which is probably what's causing @phedre's issues, and affecting many other people trying to delete their whole history) is that all of these listings are capped at 1000 items. If you already have more than 1000 comments and you post a new one, the 1000th comment currently in the new list gets "pushed off the end". The comment still exists, but you won't be able to see it by looking through your comments page, because it's no longer in that listing.

Deleting comments also doesn't cause previously "pushed off" ones to get re-added. If you have 5000 comments, your listing will only include 1000 of them. If you delete 50 of the ones in the listing, your listing now has 950 comments in it. If you delete all 1000 from the listing, your comments page will appear empty, but you actually still have 4000 comments that will be visible in the comments pages they were posted in.

And this is only one aspect of it. There are also multiple other places and ways that comments are cached—comment trees are cached (order and nesting of comments on a comments page, for all the different sorting methods), rendered HTML versions of comments are cached, API data is probably cached, and so on.

All of these issues are probably just some combination of all of your posts being difficult to find and access due to the listing limits or certain cached representations of posts not being cleared or updated properly.


Luckily GDPR deletion requests don't care about how they are implemented. And failures to comply en masse tends to get really expensive.

muftiboy, to RedditMigration in Reddit violates CCPA
  • reddit in violation of privacy laws
  • spez a pedophile
  • subs closing
    reddit is doomed
kimagure, to RedditMigration in Corporate greed is destroying Reddit, so I'm leaving

Well, YouTube filled with corporate greed too, yet you still on YouTube.


And one of the first points in the video is about how they’ll continue posting their content on reddit to help with views…

Somehow they haven’t seen any issue with this though. Way to take the moral high road ragdoll!


I really wish there were more viable alternatives to Youtube, but since so many peoples' livelihoods rely on having the largest audience possible, they're pretty much forced to use YouTube.

McBinary, to RedditMigration in Corporate greed is destroying Reddit, so I'm leaving avatar

I went to reddit a little while ago to check on the status of my favored reddit app, and past the top 15 or so posts is the same shit I saw days ago. New content there has seriously dropped off.

guckfoogle, to RedditMigration in Corporate greed is destroying Reddit, so I'm leaving

you mean destroying the internet

dustywinter, to mildlyinteresting in The Flying Train (1902)

Colorized version of the same video:


That was incredibly fascinating!

Zukial, to mildlyinteresting in The Flying Train (1902)

And it is still there today. This is the “Schwebebahn” in the City of Wuppertal.

If you know this video of the old days, and drive with it today, you can recognise many of the old buidlings, bridges…

CeruleanRuin, to mildlyinteresting in The Flying Train (1902) avatar

The Omnibus podcast did a great episode on the Wuppertal Schwebebahn.

einsteinx2, to datahoarder in Dual Actuator Drives avatar

I was surprised the prices aren’t even that much higher than single actuator drives of the same size. I might be picking a few of these up for my next capacity increase.

lemmybereal, to mildlyinteresting in Man reviews Whiskey while his wife is packing her stuff and leaving him in the background

That goodbye was brutal

Jackolantern, to mildlyinteresting in Man reviews Whiskey while his wife is packing her stuff and leaving him in the background

Is this true. This is sad

FlyingSquid, avatar

God, who can tell anymore? It could be true, or he could just be doing it to get views. The internet is a shithole.


Video is 8 years old, I think it’s a true story at least based on what I read. Also the fact that his own video doesn’t mention this in the thumbnail/title makes me think it’s real.


Why is it sad?

Relationships end all the time. This guy is handling it better than most.


Should it be happy? Should there be no emotions? It’s okay to be sad. It’s a normal average emotion.

I think It’s the companies/ads who promote always happy / always smile sick unnatural environment.

relative_iterator, avatar

We’re not robots sir. Things can just be sad for human reasons.


That is not an explanation. Everything is sad for human reasons as it is the humans that have the emotion.



Also not true. Other species experience grief as well.


This person has never seen a mama duck panicking because her babies are stuck.

And yes. They are heart breaking to watch.


Yep, no robots here. I too am experiencing squishy human emotions, fellow human.

Beep Boop.


Agreed, fellow human. This thread is devoid of emotionless artificial intelligences, attempting to pass themselves off as squishy emotional humans.

nyakojiruu, to mildlyinteresting in Man reviews Whiskey while his wife is packing her stuff and leaving him in the background avatar

Guy Emotions level is over -9000

ThirdWorldOrder, to mildlyinteresting in Man reviews Whiskey while his wife is packing her stuff and leaving him in the background

Looks like they are back together or something. Lots of videos of them both recently including one released 22 hours ago of them going out to eat together.

A few months ago he had a video where he was vacationing with Cindy too.

stephfinitely, avatar

Was it a stunt?




Nah seemed real


It’s not a stunt. Some people just make better friends than partners. If there was no animosity during the break up, there’s no reason they can’t remain friends.

DessertStorms, avatar

Not saying this is the case here because I don't know, but on the other hand of that abusers are really good at manipulating their way back in to relationships, so unfortunately that's also an option.


I don’t think it’s particularly helpful or even healthy to speculate about abuse in every conceivable scenario. The guy’s a whisky aficionado who goes on frequent trips to distilleries and has uploaded and average of a whisky related video every other day for several years. You can see by the thumbnails a story of him growing a wall of whisky over the years. That factor alone is difficult to live with if you’re not on the same wavelength as that person. It’s not, however, an issue that would require you to burn bridges after separation.

gowan, avatar

It’s also possible that most of those bottles are partially full. You don’t have to kill a bottle if spirits nearly as quickly as almost anything else.

That being said if they are empty and he’s keeping them around as a decoration that must be stopped. There are very few empty bottles that really hold sentimental value to the point where you should keep them. Most empties are trash

DessertStorms, avatar

You're not making the point you think you are, he clearly has an unhealth relationship with alcohol (and the woman in the video) and calling him an "aficionado" doesn't change that.
The person I replied to was the one who started speculating, and I added an alternative speculation, which seemed much more realistic to me. all things considered.
You are also speculating.
So fuck off with somehow getting upset over people bringing up the possibility of abuse because it makes you uncomfortable (and the reasons why are for you to examine with yourself).


You must be mistaken. I’m the one you originally replied to and I made no speculation. I said that the video isn’t an act (it demonstrably isn’t, having watched his channel for years), and that some people are better suited as friends than as romantic partners. In relationships that don’t involve abuse or infidelity, it’s common for former partners to be civil or even friendly to one another.

You know nothing about his relationship with alcohol, other than the fact that he has a Youtube channel where he reviews whisky. Having a collection of whisky is not evidence of substance abuse, just as me having a thousand books doesn’t mean I have an unhealthy relationship with books.

None of this is making me uncomfortable. I have grandparents and parents who married young, grew up to have different priorities in life, and remained good friends afterwards. I’ve just got back from my baby brother’s wedding where they all had an amazing time sharing a villa and having a party. I’m a happier, more mature person from having witnessed amicable breakups where people remain good friends afterwards.

You’re the one who seems personally affected by someone eight years ago reviewing whisky and breaking up with their wife. The moment you see an ostensibly healthy continuing relationship, your first thought is abuse. That’s on you. You may need to reflect on why that’s your kneejerk reaction.

VindictiveJudge, avatar

Maybe she was packing for a vacation?


In the description there is follow up video as well:

It’s like 10m long and haven’t been bothered to watch all of it. I guess they just mended their relationship after so many years. I guess at a certain point in life you just say fuck it and go back to what you know.


There is definitely a degree of complacency with the familiar. That said, the guy reviews booze. Booze and relationships can be trouble lol. People say and do dumb shit no matter how “sober” they think they are.

DessertStorms, avatar

I guess at a certain point in life you just say fuck it and go back to what you know.

Or you've been abused for so long as well as isolated from all your friends and family, that you're easily manipulated back in to a situation you('ve been made to) feel you can never escape.


You got all that from a scotch review? Damn

DessertStorms, (edited ) avatar

First of all, let me introduce you to this little word:


it means one could be, or another could be. It is not an assertion.

Now to the point:

Imagine that, a guy who centres his entire life around booze to a degree that he prioritises recording a booze review for an audience of zero over interacting with his partner that is walking out on their relationship, is setting of some red flags.

Also imagine that - people who have suffered domestic abuse can recognise those red flags from miles away while those who haven't sit there and smugly brush them off. I bet plenty of the people here also say shit like "if it was that bad she would have left" which is why I made my comment explaining why victims of abuse either don't leave or leave and then go back.

But hey, it's all jokes to those of you who think this shit will never impact you personally.


Wow, you are significantly insufferable.

KalabiYau, avatar


Sanctus, avatar

Or two people mended their relationship. Nobody is perfect. For all we know that review could have been after his tipping point. People do weird shit when they feel they can’t take anymore. Like reviewing whiskey while your wife is leaving.


Lol ok. Or you’re just annoying as hell dude


Peaty and isolating, with just a touch of domestic violence.

4.5 stars.


I needed to hear that, thanks!

stappern, to mildlyinteresting in Man reviews Whiskey while his wife is packing her stuff and leaving him in the background


superkret, (edited ) to mildlyinteresting in Man reviews Whiskey while his wife is packing her stuff and leaving him in the background

After seeing this video for the first time, I watched some of his others.
Seemed to be a pretty standard review channel until it hit me in the face:
His earliest videos review restaurants together with his wife. Then it transitions to reviewing bars, then only him sitting in front of his camera at home reviewing whisky. Until the iconic video of his wife leaving him.
Most of these vids were only watched by a couple people, and he reviewed a new bottle of whisky almost every day.

His Youtube channel documents his slow decline and slip into alcoholism. Dude must have drank several bottles of booze per week off camera, for years.


Tragic as hell…

Edit: Plot Twist

gowan, avatar

I used to buy for a liquor store. There are tons of whiskey people who open bottles but don’t finish them. He might be an alcoholic or he could be one of those guys. We don’t know why they broke up.


If you used to buy for a liquor store, you’ll know Laphroaig 10yo is the absolute bottom level Laphroaig, it’s a liquid tourist trap lol


I’m not one of those guys. That’s why I quit collecting and drinking whiskey. Sadly enough.


Same here, loved the single malt scotch a little too much. 2 1/2 years sober now


Even if he had only one drink every time, it’s still a form of alcoholism to do so every single day (as the previous commenter alluded to). It’ll still devolve into compulsive behavior.

gowan, avatar

If he has a single drink a day he’s not an alcoholic by most standards. It’s only in the trash DARE adjacent programs that nonsense like that is taught.


Agreed. I have about 20 open bottles of different whiskeys right now. I’ll probably have a glass or two each week.

You can have a very robust collection of whiskey and also drink in moderation. I know when I buy a new bottle I’m excited to try it, and the seal usually doesn’t last for longer than a day.

You can store whiskey for a very long time if the bottle is over halfway full. Keep them upright and away from the sun and they’ll last for many years and still hold their taste. You might lose some due to evaporation though.


and then there are people in the comments section calling him a “stoic”


…we have about two hundred opened single malt whiskies and it takes us years and years to finish any one bottle; two or three wee drams are usually plenty to review fairly, maybe twice if we want to come back another day for a second opinion…


But if you buy and try a new bottle every other day and don’t finish it, they will pile up over time and eventually go bad. The amount you buy must be equal to the amount you drink in the long term.


…whisky really doesn’t ever go bad as long as the bottle is sealed; we use teflon plumber’s tape around the neck for long-term storage but there are other solutions, too…



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  • fkn,

    If you are serious about help, and you are still early in the process, just one less bottle per night every day for a week, then the next week one less than that.

    It takes will power, but if you want it you can do it. It doesn’t have to be cold turkey. If you are at a six pack a night, or a 4 pack of some 12% ones you can wean yourself off nightly binge drinking in a month or two.

    When you are down to one a night, switch it to one every other night… Then don’t buy any for a week. Then you can figure out how to drink more responsibility.

    If you are to the point where you drink one when you wake up, you will need medical detox. If you wait… You will probably eventually die from alcohol related diseases.


    Thanks for reaching out. I’m at 12-15 6-9%s every night. Once or twice a week I’ll drink one or two before I leave for work so that the worst of the hangover hits at home/ can be staved off with another beer once I get back. I truly appreciate your sentiment and want to use this to give me some momentum to quit. I know I’ll have the shakes and be super sweaty for a week, but I can work with that. I quit meth, alcohol and smoking before, I can kick beer again. I think part of the problem is it’s a lesser issue than the other stuff I quit so I let myself keep slipping. Again, thank you

    13esq, (edited )

    For me, if it’s in the house it’s getting drunk. I was lucky that my drinking wasn’t so bad that I could go cold turkey.

    Weaning myself off doesn’t work for me, if I have one I’ll just keep going.

    Now I only drink on the weekends which is a massive improvement for me.


    Stay strong. Give yourself a reasonable limit. Keep that limit. Reduce that number. Maintain. Stay strong.

    There is a community stopdrinking that has daily check ins. Check it out.


    I believe in you too buddy, happy you’ve decided to make a change. You can do it!


    Thank you. I’m gonna do it this time


    Genuinely, I encourage you to see a doctor first- at that rate you have a good chance of serious alcohol withdrawal. It is more dangerous than heroin withdrawal and the symptoms can range from sweats and shakes up to seizure and death.

    Quitting booze will improve your life immeasurably but you need to do it with the assistance of a doctor or GP, your life depends on it. I believe in you, mate.


    This is what I came to comment. I’m glad someone beat me to it. It’s tough to watch, and I hope he’s doing better.

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