Part of me feels like it's the subreddits fault. There should've been rules against articles/tweets that aren't timestamped. Specifically for reason of ensuring relevance
This was definitely a thing long before the blackout
It will never return to how it was... it will be something different... as far as I'm aware it never returns it just moves forward... this is/was our chance
That's what they're hoping, but what they're probably going to find is that "eat the rich" might become more than a metaphor, and that once people with the guns and muscles realize that they don't have to listen to the rich anymore...
Reddit for me has become just stupid trolly comments and karma farming. I called it social experimentation
It seemed like any serious discussion or not subreddit approved opinions were pointless to express. I don't like to say that something is dumb but it did seem limited and boring.
Don't delete your account until you're sure you've wiped everything, including stuff that's more than 1000 comments old and stuff that's in private subs (which have to be public for you to edit/delete). TBH, I wouldn't delete your account at all at this time... just wipe it and walk away. That way, if you check back later and your comments have been restored, you can trash them again.
They warned us even back in the 70's that it was bad, then it'd suddenly get worse all of a sudden with little to no warning as things snowballed, but of course the oil execs just tried to shut up their own scientists and block them from influencing congress instead of listening. Even though they were warned that the threat was "Existential".
To that end, Google recently unveiled a new feature called Perspectives, which aims to surface discussion forums and videos from various social media platforms, including TikTok, YouTube, Reddit, and Quora.
Google used to have this years ago. It was just a search toggle called "discussions" and it would prioritize search results from forums, comments, reddit, etc. It was extremely useful to find real information while avoiding SEO blogspam ad platforms, which is why they removed it in the first place.
No more users intentionally make a typo to attract karma. I remember a post become very popular because the redditor "mistyped" flashlight as fleshlight.
Honestly just so happy to have a place that’s not diluted by the same tired old jokes being told over and over again, excited to see where this community goes
holy shit, that realization just hit me like a brick wall. on reddit it was always low-hanging dead horse meme answers floating to the top, but here people just write down their genuine thoughts without trying to pander to anyone. it's very refreshing
I kinda dislike it, honestly. I'm so used to constant withering hostility that the lack of slurs and snide insinuations about my parentage is genuinely kind of uncomfortable.
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