Ditto, I only interacted sparingly on like 3 subs that I liked. Here I've subscribed to many more and am sharing and interacting way more than I ever did on Reddit
yeah, that's definitely a part. And it kind of feels good to try to help build something... though I'm far from the first bunch of people who started this
I agree! Oftentimes on Reddit I thought "I don't really have anything to add, and this post will be flooded with comments anyway, so mine will probably drown, so why bother?"
Here I think there's more of breathing room for everyone, which is nice
I'm trying to remember to do the same, I'm so used to saying nothing for fear of being the one post people pick to be the one they downvote to hell for no reason. It's like I want to interact now but as @magnetosphere put it I have PRSD - Post Reddit Stress Disorder
I think once we pass the point of no return in terms of society and government stopping emissions being unable to stop runaway climate change, we cross from Oops to Fuck.
Definitely has happened. The amount of burning from wildfires is definitely a sign of it hitting the runaway effect - All that released carbon means even hotter temps which means more wildfires which means more released carbon which means...
Near the bottom, this article says the exact opposite of its headline - that Reddit is restoring deleted data, even if it should be legally deleted. ☹️
TLDR reddit might not be restoring data that the user deleted, but there are some funky cases where it's easy to miss stuff when deleting manually. Which is exactly why Update #1 is so bad - it's basically impossible to delete everything without reddit's help.
I know for a fact that (so far) one post and at least one comment (there may be more, I'm still going through) have been restored. How do I know this? Because every single post and comment I deleted, I edited with "DELETED - GDPR" first and then deleted. I did all this systematically. I knew that if I saw any post or comment with that text, it would mean it had been restored. And now, today, a few days after that post and comment were edited and then deleted, they're back with the edited text. This is also well with that 1000 post comment/limit too.
This time I've taken screenshot first and deleted again. I've also recorded video of me editing and deleting a comment. If that one comes back as well, I have proof.
All my edit/deletes have been over several days so it's not like I'm hammering the servers and causing them to glitch out on deleting correctly (I fully refresh the page after anyway to check deletions have indeed happened).
I found another post and multiple comments undeleted today. I'm now appending periods . to every post and comment that comes back so I'll be able to count how many times I've had to delete the same comment.
e.g. If I see DELETED - GDPR . . I know that comment has been restored three times.
Ridiculous that I have to delete over and over again.
Very smart! In a way this is good news. It suggests that editing to overwrite is effective - you aren't seeing your old content restored, but the edited version. Agree with the ridiculousness of having to delete again and again.
Don't delete your account until you're sure you've wiped everything, including stuff that's more than 1000 comments old and stuff that's in private subs (which have to be public for you to edit/delete). TBH, I wouldn't delete your account at all at this time... just wipe it and walk away. That way, if you check back later and your comments have been restored, you can trash them again.
I've also read that many threads in Reddit are being kept active by Large Language Model (e.g. ChatGPT)-based bots pretending to be users to give a sense of normality
i would not have found this federated alternative if not for the protest.
i, for one, am glad to not have to put up with the ever increasing ads, the constant "install reddit app" popup, the crappy "new" interface (vs the "old".. which i continued to use)...
Remains to be seen how the post June 30 impact to mobile apps and the mod community shapes up. But the drive to further monetize the platform for the IPO is the writing on the wall afaiac.
Yes, the federated user base is still in its infancy.. but quality over quantity :)
It will never return to how it was... it will be something different... as far as I'm aware it never returns it just moves forward... this is/was our chance
That's what they're hoping, but what they're probably going to find is that "eat the rich" might become more than a metaphor, and that once people with the guns and muscles realize that they don't have to listen to the rich anymore...
I view the protest as a shot across the bow. The warning about how much impact the changes are going to cause if Reddit doesn't back off. Reddit management has gone with "damn the torpedoes; full speed ahead". It is the next round that is going to indicate whether mods and users are really ready to bail.
Digg didn't die all at once. It was a very slow, miserable death.
And even now, Digg still exists, with some users even. As long as the Threadiverse gets better and Reddit gets worse, we'll see continued waves of people leaving.
The real question is whether it'll look like Digg -> Reddit (where most everyone left eventually) or Twitter -> Mastodon (where large groups of people were "too confused" and didn't move).
I don’t know. I’m here, I’m happy about that, and there are more people making this place better by the week. So as far as I’m concerned, it was a huge success. Reddit can be Reddit.
This magazine is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.